JAKARTA - The phenomenon of patients approaching death suddenly shows signs of improving conditions is often confusing for families and medical personnel. If a loved one who is in hospital care suddenly looks to improve at the end of his life, it's not just imagination.

Reported by VOI from the Daily Mail page on Thursday, January 2, 2025, Julie McFadden, a service nurse in California, United States revealed in a YouTube video that patients receiving life-end care may appear to be improving or look dramatically recovered a few days or hours before dying.

McFadden explained that this phenomenon is called terminal lucidity. This phenomenon is a condition in which patients who are seriously ill experience a spike in energy, mental clarity, and sudden vigilance.

Saat mengalami terminal lucidity, pasien mungkin tampak memiliki memori dan fungsi kognitif yang lebih baik atau tiba-tiba mampu bangun dari tempat tidur. Mereka juga mungkin menunjukkan perubahan suas hati yang lembut atau tampak lebih sadar.

However, just hours or days later, patients usually die. McFadden calls this the number one phenomenon that people often experience on the verge of death.

As many as one in three people dying worldwide may experience a lucidity terminal, also known as 'the surprise' or 'the rally'.

Although experts do not yet fully understand the cause of the lucidity terminal, recent studies suggest that dying people may experience a spike in brain activity or the release of neurotransmitters related to stress. This gives the latest energy boost.

Although this sudden fix looked encouraging, McFadden warned that it did not mean the patient had recovered.

"The part that's difficult is enjoying that moment when it happens, while knowing that they will most likely die soon after," McFadden said.

McFadden often hears the patient's family describe this lucidity terminal as 'very good days', where patients may ask for their favorite food or appear to be more involved.

This phenomenon usually lasts from a few hours to a day or two. McFadden told his own grandmother that he might have experienced a lucidity terminal before he died at the age of 91.

In his last days, his grandmother refused to eat or drink and slept more. However, at one point, his family found him sitting and trying to wear his shoes. He even had time to eat once. Then, the next day, his grandmother was declared dead.

"That's a perfect example from the lucidity terminal," he said.

The exact cause of the luxury terminal is still unclear. However, a study published last year on brain activity at the time of death showed that the dying brain lacks oxygen and may result in increased gamma wave activity.

Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves, which occur when a person is very alert and actively processes sensory information.

Experts also believe that the brain releases large amounts of neurotransmitters such as serotonin shortly before death, which can improve mood.

"There is no scientific evidence yet or study that explains exactly why this is happening," McFadden said.

If a loved one seems to be undergoing a legiticity terminal, McFadden encourages families and caregivers to make the most of it.

"Try to stay present at that time with loved ones who are having a very good day. Consider it a true blessing, almost like a gift given by a loved one," said McFadden.

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