YOGYAKARTA - The health of the human body can be seen from various indicators, one of which isureum levels in the blood. Ureum is a waste product produced by the liver when the body breaks the protein. This substance is then discarded through urine by the kidneys. Knowing normalureum levels is very important to monitor the overall health of the kidneys and body function.

What's Ureum?

Ureum is a chemical produced by the body as part of a protein metabolic process. When the body processes protein-containing foods, the liver converts nitrogen from protein to ammonia. This ammonia is then converted into aureum, which is safer for the body, and dumped through urine.

How Much Is Ureum Normal?

Theureum levels in the body are measured through blood tests or urine. The following is the range of normalureum levels:



Normally, the ureum in urine ranges from 12-20 grams per 24 hours.

This range can be slightly different depending on the laboratory and testing methods used.

Why Is Ureum's Level Important?

Monitoring normalureum levels is very important because it can provide an overview of:

Causes Of Ureum Levels Not Normal

There are many factors that can affect the level ofure in the body, both increasing and decreasing.

Some of the causes of high ureum levels include:

Low Ureum Level

Urum levels that are too low can also be an indication of health problems, such as:

How To Maintain Ureum Normal Level

To maintain normalureum levels, it is important to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain the function of the body's organs. Here are some tips you can do:

Ureum Kadar Examination

Ureum levels tests are usually performed via:

Doctors will usually recommend this test if you show symptoms such as:

When Should You Worry?

If the test results showureum levels outside the normal range, consult a doctor. Some of the symptoms that need to be considered are:

High Level:

Low Level:

Knowing and maintaining normal ureum levels is very important for overall body health. Ureum is not only an indicator of kidney function, but also liver health and body metabolism. With a healthy lifestyle and routine checks, you can make sure theureum levels remain within normal limits. Don't hesitate to consult with medical personnel if there are signs of an imbalance in theureum in the body.

Also Read: Doctor: Ureum-Kreatin Examination For Acute Injal Infectious Diagnosis

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