YOGYAKARTA - Who says decorating the cone is difficult? You just need a way to decorate a good and attractive cone so that ordinary cones can be transformed into stunning works of art.

This article will invite you to explore various techniques and creative ideas in decorating the cone, so that the final result of your work becomes the center of attention at every event.

Reporting from the Paniradyaka specialized Jogjaprov page, the cone is more than just a dish, the cone reflects the life's view of the Javanese.

The shape of the cone that resembles a mountain, a holy place for ancestors, symbolizes human efforts to continue to grow and get closer to the Almighty. Here are some other philosophical meanings of the cone:

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Tips for making the cone more beautiful and appetizing were shared by Dahlia Sari, founder of Dahlia Culinary School Jambi, through the Ministry of Education and Culture's website. Here are some tips:

Before starting the decoration process, it's a good idea to determine the main concept or theme of the cone that we will make.

The concept in question is what will guide us in choosing colors, types of decorations, to the types of side dishes that will be used. For example, if you want to celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day, we can carry a red and white theme with Indonesian ornaments.

Then after the concept has been determined, the next step is to prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Starting from the serving containers (such as accommodates or dishes), bases from banana leaves, various types of side dishes (choose dry side dishes to make the cones last longer), tumpeng rice, to various complementary decorations. Make sure all ingredients are in a fresh and ready-to-use condition.

In order for the cone that you make to look perfect, the main key is to print rice when it's still warm. Use a special mold of the cone or the right size. Once the rice is filled, press it slowly so that it looks solid and flat. This technique will keep the cone sturdy and attractive when moved.

Please note, with a touch of nature it will make the cone even more special. Take advantage of the beauty of banana leaves as a base or wrapper.

Also add a variety of fresh flowers and colorful fruits as decorations. This combination of colors and natural texture will provide a fresh and aesthetic impression on the cone.

Lastly, play in shape and color! Arrange various flowers, vegetables, and fruits in such a way that they create a unique pattern.

Please note, the cone is not just a dish, but a work of art full of meaning. By understanding the symbolism behind each element, you can create cones that are not only beautiful but also deep.

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