JAKARTA - Sad news came from the family of Andhika Pratama's wife, Ussy Sulistiawaty, where her mother, Hj. Nilla Rosita passed away. This was conveyed by a friend of Ussy Sulistiawaty, Metha Krishna who said that the deceased died on Tuesday, December 10 at 05.10 WIB.

"Inna lilaahi WA Innaailaaihi Raaji'un. Has passed away today at 05.10 WIB, Tuesday, December 10, 2024," wrote Metha Krishna, quoted by VOI from Instagram @methakrishna, Tuesday, December 10.

"Hj. Nilla Roshita bint Hasan, the mother of Ussy Pratama, please open the door of apology as much as possible," he continued.

Metha wrote that the plan for Ussy Sulistiawaty's late mother would be to be held at a funeral home in the South Jakarta area.

"The body will be celebrated at the Lebak Lestari Indah Residence funeral home, Jalan Taman Lebak Bulus 4 Block X No. 12A, South Jakarta," explained Metha Krishna.

It is planned that the body will be buried immediately this afternoon at the Jeruk Purut TPU, South Jakarta.

"God willing, it will be buried this afternoon at Jeruk Purut Cemetery," he said.

Until this article was raised, it was not known the cause of the death of Andhika Pratama's mother-in-law.

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