JAKARTA - Former Deddy Corbuzier raised his voice regarding Gus Miftah's controversy which finally chose to resign from the post of Presidential Special Envoy recently.

Deddy Corbuzier indirectly supports his old friend's decision and hopes that this will be a lesson.

"Hopefully, Miftah Cave can learn from his experience, still become Gus Miftah who I know, and maybe by resigning, there is a loss," said Deddy Corbuzier in the Kebagusan area, South Jakarta, Sunday, December 8.

According to Deddy, the reason Gus Miftah was finally supported was because of the position of Presidential Special Envoy which he held.

He saw that Gus Miftah's behavior, which was considered rude, was also carried out by other parties such as artist Sudjiwo Tejo to preacher Cak Nun.

"Mas Sujiwo Tedjo also when he talks or not, likes to joke like that too, what's the difference? Cak Nun also jokes sometimes rude. But they don't have a position," added Deddy Corbuzier.

Deddy Corbuzier feels that Gus Miftah's choice to resign has become the best way.

"If he resigns, I am not disappointed, in fact, I think that is the best way," explained Deddy Corbuzier.

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