YOGYAKARTA Socializing is not easy for everyone. Meetings with many individuals who have different ways of talking and carrying, need skills so that the meeting remains happy, full of laughter, or supports certain achievements. The skills of socializing or interacting with other people, even with new people, require effort. For that, as a reference that supports your social life, check here are ways of being skilled at socializing.
Increase confidence, it is necessary to start from accepting yourself as you are. Including recognizing strength and limitations. According to psychologist Ketan Parmar, MD., accept and embrace your personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. If you are introverted and shy, don't try to change yourself or pretend to be someone else.
Self-acceptability creates inner confidence, the effect reduces fear of external judgment. Acceptance also makes us focus only on establishing a sincere relationship. When we have confidence and become ourselves, people will be interested and lead to meaningful and pleasant interactions.
Expanding the social circle opens up opportunities to accept many invitations to interact. Even if you receive an invitation from a new person, avoid limiting yourself from coming. Better, come and focus on making new friends or even just start interactions with someone new.
Interacting with new people in the new community, may not be comfortable for someone. Launching MindBodyGreen, Friday, December 6, discomfort needs to be balanced. At least when meeting new people, choose a place you feel close to. This will make it easier for you to feel awkward. If you try something new, do it with someone you already know and like.
'Know and understand your own comfort zone and social boundaries. It starts with an internal journey to acknowledge your fear and anxiety and try to overcome it, Bayu Prihandito, a certified psychologist and life coach.
According to research published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationship, it takes two people to become friends for about 50 hours to spend together. The transition to close friendship takes 90 hours and being a very close friend takes 200 hours. This knowledge can be used as a reference when you begin to hone your skills in socializing. To strengthen bonds or get new friends, you can meet new people at the same time. But it also means meeting new people, being friends, relationships need to be turned on so you can become friends. It's also important to revive old friends.
Likes to be willing to establish social relationships, turns out to be good for mental health. This volunteerism, not only contributes to personal growth and also supports achieving, but also opens up new ways of connecting with others. For example by following a conducive social community for teamwork, communication, and empathy. This will result in social interactions that often with people who have an interest in you so that your social life is fun and satisfying.
When meeting new acquaintances or interacting in certain social groups, don't wait for other people to open the conversation. First, for example by asking questions, praise, or comments about the weather or sound heard from the cafe where the meeting was held. If the first meeting is impressive, initiate it to meet again to strengthen friendship.
In addition to the skilled way of socializing above, you can also start interactions when you follow a class you like. For example, fitness classes, you can meet friends who have the same interest. It is also important to be a good listener, smile more often, and set eye contact when speaking. Plus, it is also important to read the body language of your social friends and respect each other's personal boundaries or spaces.
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