JAKARTA - The preacher and Presidential Special Envoy, Gus Miftah, has returned to talks after insulting an ice tea trader, now Gus Miftah has been caught insulting senior artist Yati Pesek. This moment was recorded when the two of them filled a shadow puppet show with the mastermind Ki Warseno a few years ago.
In the event, Yati Pesek became one of the sinden singers and performed the song Bajing Jump. Unexpectedly, this song became a joke by Gus Miftah.
"Earlier, the song Bajin Jump. I invited him to go up," said Gus Miftah to Yati Pesek, quoted by VOI from TikTok @zyenizr13, Friday, December 6.
Although uncomfortable with Gus Miftah's words, Yati Pesek tried to reply to the preacher's conversation.
"Now you are even though you are young, you know," said Yati Pesek.
It did not stop there, Gus Miftah again issued insulting words by calling Yati Pesek a comfort woman.
"I'm grateful that Yati's budhe is ugly, if Ayu becomes l***e, right?" he asked with a laugh.
Hearing this, Yati Pesek had expressed her disappointment with Gus Miftah. "Now why do you talk like that. Oh fortunately Gus, now here you are not a ustad, not a kiai," said Yati Pesek.
This video finally drew criticism from netizens who watched it again. Not infrequently many netizens still do not expect the figure of Gus Miftah who is referred to as the preacher.
"Already degrading the breadwinners continue to demean women, let alone a mother, is that the brain capacity?," asked the account @ron****.
"How can you be a religious leader?" continued the account @cal ****.
"The mouth is used to talking bad things, and it has become his character," said the account @zay****.
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