JAKARTA - The beauty industry is a big industry, so there are many opportunities to grow economic value. For this reason, the Minister of Creative Economy / Head of the Creative Economy Agency (Menekraf / Kabekraf) Teuku Riefky Harsya is ready to collaborate with Jakarta x Beauty in developing this beauty industry.
"We appreciate what Mbak Putri Tanjung did in the Jakarta x beauty 2024 event, because this will raise the creative industry from the beauty sector. From cosmetic producers, it can be bigger, not only known nationally but also globally," said Menekraf when opening the Jakarta x Beauty 2024 event at the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Thursday (5/12/2024).
"Is it promotional in nature, whether it is helpful for intellectual property, whether access to funding or facilitation is also for infrastructure and so on. But we see that we need to support this thing done by the Jakarta x Beauty committee," he said.
Menekraf Riefky hopes that events like this can continue, not only in Java, but also outside Java.
We are also discussing how this event can also be held in other countries, for example in Dubai UAE, in South Korea, in Malaysia, or in other places. So we will encourage creative industry players from the world of beauty, we can also bring them to the international market," said Riefky.
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