JAKARTA - Celebrity Febby Rastanty leaked its secrets in maintaining the health of its skin so that it looks elastic and glowing which turns out to be basic skin care products that can be used by many people.
According to him, compared to makeup products, he prioritizes skin care products because they can keep the skin healthy from the dangers of exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from sunlight.
"One of the skincare products that I rely on is sunscreen. Tell me to leave is a must to be used. Sometimes when I go out, I even only use a moisturizer and sunscreen. Anyway, sunscreen is a must," Feby said at an event with Wardah in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 1.
According to the actor from the film "Until Later, Hana!" it is sunscreen as a flagship skin care product because he knows that ultraviolet exposure can cause skin health problems if there is no proper protection.
The woman who was born in 1996 admitted that she was an individual who was actively active outside the room full of sunlight, one of which was like running regularly.
So that in order to keep his skin protected from UV exposure, he relies heavily and regularly uses sunscreen.
Even though he did not carry out activities that were fully exposed to sunlight, Feby still felt the need to use sunscreen because UV radiation could also come from spotlights that he often encounters when undergoing the profession as an actor.
"Outdoors I often run, or on the set with lights that have UV radiation too. So I mean being exposed (UV) every day. I eat diligently (sunscreen). Because I realize the dangers of UVA and UVB, so I'm also very aware of that," said Feby.
In addition to regularly using skin care products such as sunscreen, Feby also said that he adheres to a clean and healthy lifestyle so that his skin can be healthy and maintained.
He admitted that he maintains fiber intake in the form of fruit and vegetables so that they can be consumed every day and he also balances them with adequate rest or sleep.
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