JAKARTA - The selection of kitchen utensils, one of which is cooking utensils must be very much considered, especially the ingredients made. This is because there are several ingredients that make cooking utensils that can actually be dangerous if used.
Launching from SMCP, Thursday, November 28, 2024, a study in the journal Chemosphere found that products with recycled plastic black materials, one of which is in cooking utensils such as spatulas containing harmful chemicals. These materials can be harmful to the health of the body.
The study revealed that recycled black plastic used to make cooking utensils comes from electronic waste, such as computers and televisions. The waste contains toxic chemicals called flare retardants or fire-resistant materials.
If the spatula is made using waste with these toxic chemicals, it can make cooked food contaminated. This happens because the fire resistant material from electronic waste is not tightly tied to plastic polymers, so it is easy to move when exposed to hot temperatures.
Consumption of foods that have been contaminated with chemicals continuously will make them accumulate in the body. This can lead to cancer risks, hormonal disorders, neurological system disorders, to brain damage.
"Fire resistance can be accumulated in our bodies and cause detrimental long-term effects," said study and science writer Megan Liu.
Thus, experts advise not to use cooking tools with recycled black plastic, especially spatula. It is also recommended to put food in containers that are not made from black plastic.
For spatula, as an alternative you can use wood-made spatula or stainless steel. This must be done to reduce the risk of contamination of harmful chemicals in the body and also maintain the health of the family.
Meanwhile, apart from cooking utensils such as spatula, the hazardous chemicals in this recycled black plastic product are also often found in children's toy products. Not infrequently children play by inserting toys into their mouths so that harmful chemicals can move into the body and endanger their health.
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