JAKARTA - Aldebaran and Andien's love struggle in the soap opera Ikatan Cinta always makes fans feel carried away aka baper. Played by Arya Saloka and Amanda Manopo, Al and Andien always encounter problems in the unification of their love.

Previously, their love was hindered by the issue of Roy's murder. Andien is driven from the house because she is suspected of being Roy's killer.  Al struggles to find evidence of Andien's innocence. She wants her marriage to Andien to be happy.

Finally, the happiness that fans are waiting for comes. On Ikatan Cinta which aired on April 11, Al and Andien had a honeymoon. The honeymoon was delayed six months from their marriage. However, al and Andien's loveliness succeeded in making their fans' hearts flowery.

Two scenes make fans feel satisfied. First-time Andin and Al take a selfie together. The two smiled as the photo was captured on camera by fans and shared across the timeline.

The honeymoon peak scene, when Al and Andin will enjoy their first night. While they were both in the room, a friendly kiss that became one of the scenes of the soap opera Ikatan Cinta on April 11 made fans satisfied.

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