JAKARTA - The latest horror film from Castle Film Production, Danyang 'Mahar Exchange Lives' officially airs on 160 cinema screens and more than 800 shows throughout Indonesia. This much anticipated film carries a unique theme that is rarely raised in horror films, namely the story of pesugihan with the ghost figure Danyang as the center of terror.
The Forbidden Love Story that Invites Terror Danyang 'Mahar Exchanges Lives' tells the love struggle of a young man named Galang (Bhisma Mulia), who wants to marry his girlfriend, Resti (Sahila Hisyam), even though he does not get the blessing of his family. Blocked by differences in social status, Galang is desperate to make a sacrifice to achieve happiness with Resti. Assisted by the shaman Ki Randu (Egi Fedly), Galang made an agreement with Danyang, a waiting spirit who can grant the request on condition that he demands life as a sacrifice.
The terror began to emerge when Resti's life was under the threat of Danyang's curse, while Dasmi (Wulan Guritno), Resti's mother, fought hard to protect her child. This conflict between love, hope, and despair makes Danyang 'Mahar Exchange Lives' not only a horror film full of tension, but also a drama story about the sacrifice and love of a mother.
Horror Of Unique Tumbal Pesugihan And Exchange In Indonesia
As one of the few horror films that carries the theme of pesugihan by exchange, Danyang 'Mahar Exchange Lives' presents the dark side of Indonesian mystical culture. This story shows the real impact of Galang's decision involving pesugihan with the ghost of Danyang, a spirit figure who is described as mysterious and frightening, making it different from horror, mostly those that focus on jump score.
The Hope Of Danyang 'Mahar Exchange Lives'
Rofiq Ashari, the producer of this film, hopes that Danyang 'Mahar Exchanges Lives' can be accepted by horror film lovers in Indonesia and can even win the hearts of overseas audiences.
We hope that this film will not only present fear, but also be memorable in terms of a strong story about the bond of mother and child. Hopefully, this film can be welcomed by the audience not only in Indonesia but also internationally, considering that this film will be shown in various countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Taiwan, Pakistan, Russia, and the United States. This is a great opportunity to introduce Indonesia's horror which is rich in culture and local myths," said Rofiq.
Meanwhile, Bhisma Mulia, the main character who plays Galang, added, "This film shows that, in the end, love and family ties are extraordinary, even though we have to face dangerous things. All this is about how much sacrifice we can make for the sake of our loved ones."
In line with Bhisma, Wulan Guritno who plays Dasmi, Mrs. Resti also expressed her views on this film. "Playing a mother, of course, I want to protect my child. That's right, that this film is not only about horror and mystical, but also about the extraordinary mother's sacrifice for her child. A lesson that is certainly related to many parents, who have the instinct to protect their child," said Wulan Guritno.
Rows of Famous Players Reviving This Horror Story This film stars well-known actors and actresses who are able to present high emotional intensity: Bhisma Mulia as Galang, Sahila Hisyam as Resti, and Wulan Guritno as Dasmi. This film is also supported by Egi Fedly as Ki Randu, Mathias Muchus as Pak Ustadz Rahmat, and Agla Artalidia as Fatimah, making the story shown even stronger and tenser.
The cast in the film performed a good role, and received praise from the audience who had already watched Danyang "Mahar Exchange Lives". "There are so many moral messages too. Here I support Sis Sahila, and all the cast is also extraordinary. You have to watch it. Because this film I know something new. Previously I never heard of Danyang. So this is the first time I know about Danyang, "said Putri Delina.
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