JAKARTA – Healthy habits trends are always updated every time. Are you a fickle trend to achieve complete health? Everyone of course covet a fit body condition in a variety of ways. In VOI any habit that can prevent chronic diseases.

Reported from Health Essentials Cleveland Clinic, Friday, April 9, Mladen Golubic, MD., Ph.D., explained that healthy habits can slow or prevent damage due to high cholesterol and high blood sugar.

With the following healthy habits, you can avoid diabetes, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, and heart disease.

Going on a diet

Diet is an attempt to regulate nutrient intake. There are various variants of diet that are generally adapted to the condition of the body, for example diet for diabetes, diet for heart patients, keto diet, clean food diet, and diet to lose weight.

Based on Golubic's advice, healthy eating habits are to consume food from whole plants, not purified, and processed minimally. Eating plant-based foods or from plants can help reduce diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

You don't have to be vegan, golubet recommendations, if you can avoid processed plant foods and processed foods other than plant-based ingredients, the positive effects will be felt in a short time.

Physical activity

Experts recommend doing at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. If you don't have time, it can start small. Just take 10 minutes each day to walk or go up and down the stairs for about 10 minutes.

When you are familiar with walking habits, add more activities for one minute each day. In addition to walking, you can also do other activities. For sure the body should move and shorten the sitting time.


Sleep at night, idealnys 7-9 hours each night. But if you can't get the ideal sleep every night, that's fine. What is definitely needed to do is consistent sleep and wake times including on weekends.

Relieve stress

Stressful conditions will not be good for your immunity. Then try various healthy ways such as mindfulness, meditation, and maintaining your mental state.

Not infrequently, stress reliever is food. But this will not be healthy when eating uncontrollably to calm emotions. Golubic's advice, you can create a schedule to calm down. Enjoy every breath or use nondominant hands to train attention.

Connect with others

Loving a partner or having close friends makes you emotionally and physically healthy. Even if it's a pandemic and has a limited intensity you can contact them online. Social isolation makes feelings and thoughts stop and settle.

Golubic said that healthy habits are not often failed because of limited access and lazy to realize that small habits can be taken through small steps. Thus, the health of the plenary is in your decision to habituated positive activities.

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