JAKARTA - Entering the rainy season, the terrace becomes one part of the house that is often affected by water splashes. This makes the terrace dirty with a mixture of water and soil, even slippery.
Actually, the splash of water can be cleaned with a diper and dip. However, if during the rainy season such a cleaning might make you tired.
There are other more effective ways to prevent you from continuing to clean it, namely by preventing the splash of rainwater from entering the terrace. Here are some ways to overcome this that can be done, reported by Good to be Home Magazine, Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
1. Make a rain park
The first way that can be done is to make a rain park around the terrace of the house. Rain park is a green area that is overgrown with plants that can absorb water well.
One of the plants suitable for planting in the park is zebra grass, which has long and sleek leaves. The grass serves as a natural filter and water absorption so that it can prevent overflow. With this plant around the terrace of the house, rainwater splashes can be prevented from entering.
2. Create a water disposal channel
You can't rely on rainwater just absorbing and not littering the terrace. For that, a good water disposal channel is very necessary during the rainy season. Make a small ditch or a water channel that leads to the nearest disposal site.
3. Put up bamboo curtain
To prevent rainwater from entering the terrace, put up a bamboo curtain on the front. The bamboo Curtain has a good density to block rainwater splashes and it is easy to roll if it is not used.
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