JAKARTA - Snacks are viral from China, latiao is officially prohibited from circulating by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). BPOM stopped the circulation of latiao, because it was contaminated with Bacillus Cereus bacteria.

The decision to withdraw this product is based on cases of poisoning experienced by children in several regions in Indonesia, such as Lampung, Sukabumi, Wonosobo, South Tangerang, West Bandung, Pamekasan, and Riau.

The contamination caused the victims to experience symptoms of poisoning, such as stomach pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. From the incident of the withdrawal of latiao products by BPOM, there are things that can be learned about the contamination of Bacilus Cereus bacteria.

Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic page on Monday, November 4, 2024, the cereus bacillus or B. cereus are microscopic organisms that release dangerous toxins. This can lead to more serious health problems.

Most people with food poisoning recover within 24 hours. But you are at higher risk of developing complications if you have a weakened or disturbed immune system.

There are two types of Bacillus cereus affect:- Gastrointestinal system (intestinal).- Another part of the body (non-intestinal).

Intestinal B. cereus causes food poisoning. This disease tends to disappear by itself quickly. But you are at risk of developing more serious cases if you have a weak or disordered immune system.

You usually experience food poisoning 6-15 hours after eating contaminated foods. Foods contaminated with Bacillus cereus bacteria are fish, dairy products, meat, sauce, soup, vegetables, rice, cheese, pasta, pastries, potatoes, and stripes.

Intestinal Bacillus cereus generally occurs from eating the remaining food at room temperature. Food poisoning can occur if it reheats the food.

Intestinal B. cereus membentuk spora yang meluncurkan poison. Pada suhu kamar, spora ini dapat meningkat jumlahnya. Ketika makan spora ini, poison ini menyebabkan vomiting atau diarrhea.

Symptoms of bacterial infection of Bacillus cereus include stomach pain, stomach cramps, watery diarrhea, and nausea and vomiting. Meanwhile, symptoms of non-intestinal cereus bacterial infection depend on the disease.

Endophthalmitis is a severe disease caused by non-intestinal Baculus cereus bacterial infection. Endophthalmitis occurs when bacteria attack the eye. These symptoms include eye disease, fatigue, fever, high number of white blood cells (leukucytosis), low vision, red eyes, and ring-shaped quinea ulcus.

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