JAKARTA - The World Health Organization (WHO) says that tuberculosis (TBC) is the main cause of global death for infectious diseases by 2023.
Launching from the official WHO website, on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 1.25 million people died of tuberculosis in 2023. Worldwide, TBC has again become the main cause of death in the world over infectious diseases, after three years earlier being held by COVID-19.
In 2023, it is also estimated that 10.8 million people will fall ill with TB worldwide. Six million are men, 3.6 million are men, and 1.3 million are children.
The high mortality due to TB is influenced by the eradication of the disease, which is still very far to be realized. The reason is, there are many challenges that must be faced, one of which is significant funds.
In addition, many people who have TB are still not aware that they have the disease. The data shows only two out of five people with tuberculosis accessing treatment in 2023.
Meanwhile, tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that most often attack the lungs. It spreads through the air when people with tuberculosis cough, sneezing or sneering.
Tuberculosis can be prevented and cured with antibiotics. This disease can be fatal if left alone without treatment.
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