YOGYAKARTA - Are you cat lovers? You must often feel excited to keep stroking your favorite cat hair, right? However, did you know that there is a danger of cat hair that stores various risks for health.

Although cats provide warmth and happiness, we need to be aware of the potential dangers they can cause. Let's discuss further about the dangers that cat hair often misses.

Reporting from the Aicare page, allergic reactions triggered by animal hair can cause various problems in the respiratory tract. The airways become narrow and inflamed, making it difficult for air to flow smoothly.

As a result of inflammation of the respiratory tract, which is felt for sufferers such as frequent symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughs, and persistent sneezing.

Before continuing, also read the article discussing How to Get Rid of the Smell of Cats in Kasur: Here's Effective and Easy Steps

According to Harvard Health, the cat we care about can actually be an intermediary for the transmission of various diseases. Kutu yang often nests in cat's fur can cause Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and capacities in humans.

Symptoms of Lyme disease include a circle-shaped skin rash, while ehrlichiosis is characterized by high fever and headache. The habit of sharing beds with cats can increase the risk of transmission of this disease.

The myth about cats as the main cause of toxoplasmosism that can cause infertility is still widely circulated in society. Many believe that cat hair is the main source of transmission of this disease.

In fact, this assumption has been clarified by the Ministry of Communication and Information as inaccurate information.

Toksoplasmosis is indeed an infectious disease caused by the gondyi Toxoplasma parasite and can be transmitted from animal to human. However, cats are only one of the transmission vectors.

However, it should be noted that infected cat droppings are the main source of transmission, not the fur.

For people with asthma, exposure to hair and cat skin can worsen symptoms, and cause difficulty breathing.

In severe cases, this can require medical attention, but it is not the fur itself that is deadly; it is an allergic reaction or asthma attack that can be triggered by it.

One of the most believed myths is that inhaling or swallowing cat hair can be fatal. This belief may stem from concerns about allergen and hygiene.

Although the cat's hair itself is not dangerous, there are still health considerations related to what needs to be considered.

Swallowing cat hair is generally harmless because the digestive system can process a small amount of hair without problems.

It is important to maintain good hygiene when dealing with cats. Cat hair can carry dirt, bacteria, and parasites such as ticks or ticks. Routine care and cleaning can reduce this risk.

Thus, in general, the cat's fur itself is not deadly. The main risks associated with cat hair are allergies and asthma, which can be managed effectively with proper care and precautions.

For that, understanding the differences between myths and reality can help you accept your cat friend's presence without excessive worries

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