JAKARTA - Lack of choice of contraceptive methods for men is one of the factors in their participation as the acceptor of family planning. However, the development of contraceptive technology continues to run rapidly, including recent research related to contraceptive injections for men.

"The development of contraceptive technology over the last few decades has not only focused on increasing effectiveness, but also prioritized aspects of security, comfort, and ease of use, as well as minimizing the risk of side effects," said Dr. Sundoyo, SH, MKM, M. Hum, Acting Head of BKKBN, at the National Seminar commemorating World Contraception Day in a press statement from BKKBN to VOI.

Related to this, Dr. Sundoyo emphasized that BKKBN seeks to collaborate with BPJS Kesehatan so that the male vasectomi method (MOP) can be included as a service in the National Health Insurance (JKN). This is expected to increase the involvement of men in the KB program.

"Currently, if MOP is selected without medical indications, the costs cannot be borne by JKN. This is a challenge for us so that this method can be included in the JKN benefit coverage. That way, it is hoped that more men will choose the vasectomi method," he explained.

The choice of contraception for men in Indonesia is indeed limited, namely only condoms and vasectomi. However, BKKBN continues to look for new innovations so that men have more contraceptive options.

One of the innovations presented at the seminar was the contraception of injections for men, described by Prof. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, Subspesialist of Andrology and Sexology. This research tests a combination of androgen-progestin through injections in men.

The study involved 20 healthy men with normal fertility divided into two groups. The first group received a combination injection of 100 mg DMPA and 100 mg Testosteron Enantate (TE) every month for four months. The second group got 200 mg DMPA and 250 mg TE of the same pattern, "explained Prof. Wimpie.

Clinical trial results showed, in the third to fourth months after the injection began, there was azoospermia (speak condition).

This method is reversible because sperm cells begin to reappear two months after the injection is stopped. In addition, male testosterone levels returned to normal in the fourth month after therapy ended.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Family Planning and Health Reproduction of the Indonesian BKKBN, Dr. Drs. Wahidin, M.Kes said, contraceptive research on this man can be a policy, especially in the BKKBN, but it still needs further research before mass production.

"Indeed, this (KB injection in men) is not the initial research, so research is only one step away from production," said Wahidin.

According to him, of course, if there is further research involving more samples, it will certainly be a new policy as an option in contraception in men other than MOP (a male or vasexomi surgery method and condoms.

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