JAKARTA - Indonesia is one of the countries that has many distinctive culinary delights from various regions. Some of them are even included as the favorites of the magazine version that focuses on culinary to the world's taste map, Taste Atlas.

The European-based magazine is indeed famous for often reviewing leading culinary delights from various parts of the world. Indonesia has also been included in the list of the most delicious foods in a number of its editions.

Below are the 7 most delicious Indonesian foods according to the Taste Atlas page, which is summarized based on the site's user choices.

The first delicious Indonesian food is the dumpling. This food is believed to be brought by Chinese immigrants who came to Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period.

Siomay is made of steamed fish, eggs, cabbage, tofu, and bitter melon. This food is served on a plate with condensed peanut sauce, which can be added soy sauce, chili sauce, and lime juice to add pleasure.

Soto Betawi is also included in the ranks of the best Indonesian food by the Taste Atlas version. This food consists of pieces of meat and jeroan, with coconut milk rich in spices, such as lemongrass, turmeric, enveloping, orange leaves, and turquoise.

This native food from Palembang, South Sumatra is processed traditional fish, made from milled fish and tapioka. Pempek will be processed first, then fried and served with noodles, cucumber slices, and cuko sauce.

This food initially emerged because of the boredom of Palembang residents in the first time in eating fried fish and grilled fish. They innovate to anneal fish with tapioka, then fry them until a pempek is created.

Indonesia's next delicious food is rawon. This food is made of spices such as orange leaves, lemongrass, ginger, chilies, and the main key is keluak.

Keluak is a typical Indonesian black beans, which gives blackish colors to the rawon sauce. The crackers will be smoothed along with other spices to get a distinctive rawon flavor.

Batagor is one of the market snacks that is popular with the people of Indonesia. The appearance of the Batangor is more or less similar to the Siomay, but the Batagor has outer skin and is fried, not steamed.

Batagor is made usually using tuna, tenggiri, and shrimp mixtures. The Batangor dish is equipped with potatoes, tofu, and is covered with peanut sauce.

Indonesian-style chicken seasoning has an authentic taste. This fertilizer is served with chicken meat and additional spices to add flavoring.

The last Nusantara culinary, which Taste Atlas's best friend, is the teration chili sauce. This chili is made with a combination of red chilies and terasi as the main ingredient.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)