JAKARTA - Coffee is the most popular drink in the world. Can be served in fancy events or in simple moments at home. For many experts, coffee is also a healthy drink. According to a number of studies, coffee is high in antioxidants than fruits and vegetables.

To keep your body healthy, reported by Healtline, Monday, April 5, based on this study, there are good recommendations for drinking coffee.

Avoid drinking coffee at 02.00 in the morning

A study proves that from 02.00 to 03.00 in the morning, the body is in the weakest position. Because of this, avoid drinking coffee for stimulants to increase energy in the weakest condition of the body.

Also avoid drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee at bedtime because it can keep your eyes awake and reluctant to sleep. For those of you who are sensitive to caffeine, you can drink coffee between morning and 14.00.

It's different for you, which doesn't have a big effect on the caffeine content in coffee. If you can sleep even though you drink coffee, it will not significantly interfere with your sleep pattern.

Sugarless coffee

Coffee is a healthy drink when drunk in the right time and manner. The best way to keep a cup of coffee healthy is not to add sugar in it.

Because, adding sugar to coffee can increase the risk of diabetes and obesity, especially if consumed regularly. So, if you can't enjoy coffee without sweetness, then choose natural sugar or stevia sugar to keep it sweet and keep your body healthy.

Choose quality coffee beans

There are various varieties of coffee, including coffee variants based on their quality. At best, you choose quality coffee. This means knowing how coffee beans are grown, what soil fertilizers are, and how coffee is processed.

Avoid drinking too much

Although coffee is a healthy drink, drinking too much coffee can have adverse effects. Based on recommendations from Health Canada, the safest amount of coffee should not exceed 2.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

For example, if you weigh 60 kilograms, that's 150 milligrams or 3 to 4 cups a day. From these recommendations, drinking coffee is all about balancing the risks and benefits. This means that you pay attention to the condition of your body when drinking coffee.

cara minum kopi
Illustration of a cup of coffee (Unsplash / Brigitte Tohm)
Add cinnamon

A study shows that cinnamon can lower blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides in diabetics. If you want to add aroma and enrich the taste then add cinnamon.

Avoid adding creamer

As low as the fat content in creamer, it is still necessary to avoid consuming it. Although there has been no research on the health effects of mixing coffee with creamer, to keep the body healthy it is necessary to avoid consuming it frequently.

Mix with cocoa

Cocoa powder also contains antioxidants and can also lower the risk of heart disease. Try adding cocoa to your coffee for added flavor. And even more fun, you can make it at home easily.

Filter coffee with a paper filter

Coffee contains cafestol which can increase cholesterol levels in the blood. To reduce this level, brew coffee with a paper filter.

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