JAKARTA - Headaches after waking up include health problems that can disrupt daily productivity.

This condition needs to be understood for the cause so that it cannot be taken lightly. Headaches after waking up are usually triggered by several factors.

Starting from poor sleep patterns to excessive use of drugs, everything can be a trigger.

Here are some of the common causes of headaches in the morning and the steps you can take to overcome them, according to Dr. Nolan Pearson, neuroscientist and specialist from Cedars-Sinai, as quoted by Antara.

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing stops repeatedly during sleep, either due to blockages in the respiratory tract (sleep apnea obstruction) or respiratory control problems by the brain (central sleep apnea).

"If you wake up often with headaches accompanied by symptoms such as snoring, breathing heavily while sleeping, not sleeping well, and drowsiness excessively during the day, consult a doctor immediately," said Dr. Pearson. Sleep apnea not only causes headaches, but also increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Migraine that appears in the morning is often related to disturbances in the rhythm of sirkadian, namely the body's biological clock. Hypotalamus, part of the brain that regulates sleep cycles and wakes up, also plays an important role in migraines.

Various factors such as diet, exposure to light, and changes in temperature can affect circadian rhythm and trigger migraines. Dr. Pearson recommends that migraine sufferers maintain a regular sleep and eating schedule to reduce attack frequency.

Sleeping in a position that puts excessive pressure on the neck can trigger strained headaches, especially for those with a history of neck spine problems.

"Italic sleeping positions are recommended for helping to maintain the equality of the spine and reducing strain on the neck," said Dr. Pearson.

Bruxism, or the habit of moving and bending teeth while sleeping, can trigger tense headaches in the morning. This habit strains the muscles of the face, jaw, and neck, which can trigger pain to the head.

To solve this problem, Dr. Pearson suggested that the patient consult a dentist. "The use of bite protection or therapy for relaxing jaw muscles may be needed," he said.

Lack of sleep plays a major role in triggering various types of headaches, such as migraines and tense headaches. Many factors cause a person to experience sleep loss, including irregular work schedules, stress, alcohol consumption, or mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

To improve sleep quality, Dr. Pearson suggests sleeping and waking up at the same time every day, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding alcohol consumption and using electronic screens before bed.

The excessive use of pain relievers can backfire and cause headaches in the morning. "If you take medications like Tylenol, ibuprofen, or other migraine drugs, and headaches re-emerge after the drug effects run out, you may experience a rebound headache," explained Dr. Pearson.

Under these conditions, reducing or stopping the use of drugs under the supervision of doctors can be a solution.

Consumption of alcohol, especially at night, can trigger headaches due to a combination of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and sleep quality disorders. Some substances in alcohol, such as congeners and tannins, also contribute to the emergence of drunken symptoms.

To prevent headaches in the morning from getting drunk, Dr. Pearson suggested that alcohol consumption be limited and offset by drinking water. Consumption of vitamin B6 before drinking alcohol is also said to help reduce the severity of getting drunk.

Sleep longer than usual can also cause headaches. Some of the trigger factors include hormonal imbalance, dehydration, low blood sugar levels, or sudden stop consuming caffeine.

In addition, excessive sleep can also disrupt sirkadian rhythm. "Ensuring consistent sleep hours is very important to prevent headaches due to body rhythm disorders," said Dr. Pearson.

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