JAKARTA - Nugget is a processed food that is popular with children. A delicious and practical taste cooked makes nuggets like it. In addition, the nuggets also last a long time when stored in the freezer which makes them the mainstay side dish of many people.

Unfortunately, nuggets are sold in fast food shops or restaurants often contain preservatives, excessive salt and unhealthy oil. homemade chicken nuggets are much healthier and more delicious. In addition, the manufacture of chicken nuggets is also easy to make.

If you are interested in trying homemade nuggets, you can do some of these ways. Here's how to make chicken nuggets at home, as reported by The Spruce Eats page.

1. Collect Bahan-Bahan-1/2 cups of flour- 1 egg egg (cococok)- 1/2 cups of bread crisis (panko or Italy)- 1 pound chicken chest- 3 tablespoons of saltdened tea- 3 tablespoons of pepper- 1 cup of canola oil- 1/8 cups of Parmesan pulmut cheese- 1/4 tablespoons of garlic powdered tea

In three separate bowls, separate flour, eggs, and bread contracts. Add one tablespoon of salt mixed and black pepper to each bowl and shake until mixed.

2. Cut the chicken Potong fat from the chicken chest. Then, cut it into the size of a nugget. You can also cut it into chicken pieces if you like it.

3. Dip the chicken into the flour Flour Dipel the chicken pieces into a bowl filled with flour. Make sure it's not excessive when inserting flour into the bowl.

4. Dip the chicken into the shuffled Egg Then, dip the chicken into the egg mixture, make sure to coat both sides thoroughly.

5. Nugget commission with the Last Flour of Roti, dip chicken nuggets into a mixture of bread flour, once again make sure to coat both sides thoroughly.

6. Put Nugget on top of the chicken nugget flipover and put it in the refrigerator if you don't want to fry it. If you're going to fry chicken nuggets, then put the cooking oil in the pan.

7. Panggang or Goreng Nugget Panggang chicken nuggets in oven 425 F for 25 minutes. Back and forth the nuggets in the middle of the roasting process.

You can also fry it. Heat oil up to 375 F and fry for 3 minutes on each side until it is golden and ripe brown.

8. Serve with Broccolan Sajikan nuggets while warm with your favorite sauce.

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