YOGYAKARTA Excess drinking water is called overhydration. Body cells do require adequate fluids to function properly. But what is the effect if you drink excess water?

Unfortunately, there is no single formula for how much water is needed every day. But experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters every day. Different fluid needs for pregnant women and people with busy outdoor activities. For example, you drink 5 liters of water per day and experience certain symptoms, so it must be evaluated. The following explains the effects of excess drinking too much water.

Not toxic water to drink, but drinking clean and drinkable drinks, there are limits. If you drink a lot of water in a short time, it can experience mild overhydration or known as water poisoning. The effect will be too much water in the cells, including brain cells, causing it to swell. When cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain. You may start experiencing things like confusion, drowsiness, and headaches. Well, if this pressure increases, it can cause hypertension and bradicardia or a low heartbeat.

Hiponatremia occurs when sodium levels in body cells drop below normal. Normal levels between 135 millimetrics per liter (mEq/L) to 145 mEq/L. If it drops below 135 mEq/L, you are at risk of developing hyponatremia. Hiponatremia is a condition where cells swell, making a person experience seizures, comas, and even death. Although rare, death due to drinking too much water has ever occurred.

A number of chronic conditions can be experienced by someone because they drink too much water. Such as kidney failure because they cannot hold water, liver disease, very high blood sugar, congruescent heart failure, adrenal gland insufficiency, and thyroid hormone are too low due to low sodium.

If you don't measure how much water you've drunk, if it's too much, it's marked by urinating too often. Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to tea color. But if the urine is clear in color, it is recognized as the effect of drinking excess water.

When you have too much water in the body, the kidneys cannot remove excess fluids. This liquid starts to accumulate in the body, which causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Headaches with pulsed sensations are the effect of excess drinking water. This marks excess water in the body and causes levels of body salt to drop and the cells swell. This is what causes the sensation of a pulsed headache, because the brain cells are swollen and pressing the skull. This pressure can also cause brain disorders and difficulty breathing.

It is important to understand that excess drinking water does not make you healthy. It can actually affect the body's electrolyte levels and the body's balance decreases. At low electrolyte levels, muscles will easily cramp.

In addition to the seven effects of drinking excess water above, it is also necessary to be aware of the symptoms. A person who drinks excess water, because the kidneys work too hard, the body will be exhausted and feel tired.

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