YOGYAKARTA - Every October, the night sky often presents extraordinary natural phenomena. In 2024 it will not be different, with various celestial phenomena that are ready to amaze star observers and amateur astronomers. Starting from ring solar eclipses, planet sightings, to partial lunar eclipses, the October 2024 sky will be a stage for various sky events that attract attention. In this post, we will regulate the October 2024 sky phenomenon that you deserve to look forward to.

1. Ring Sun Eclipse

The Sun Eclipse of the Ring will cross parts of the Pacific Ocean, southern Chile, and Argentina on October 2, 2024. In this eclipse, the moon moves across the Sun, but because the moon is slightly further from Earth than when the Total Sun Eclipse, the moon does not completely cover the disk of the Sun. This gives rise to a bright ring of light around the moon, which makes the Sun Eclipse This Ring is also known as the "ring of Fire."

At its peak in the Pacific Ocean, the moon will cover 93 percent of the center of the Sun, creating an extraordinary "ring ring" effect that lasts for 7 minutes 25 seconds. The Sun Ring eclipse on October 2, 2024 is considered special because of its long duration, much longer than the previous Ring Sun Eclipse on October 14, 2023 which only lasted 4 minutes 52 seconds. This phenomenon is one of the most anticipated October 2024 celestial phenomena.

2. Orionid Meteor Shower

One of the most anticipated celestial phenomena in October 2024 is the Orionid meteor shower. This meteor shower occurs every year from mid to late October, when Earth passes through the dust remnant left by comet Halley. At its peak, which is predicted to occur on the night of October 21-22, 2024, sky observers in the Northern or Southern hemisphere can see up to 20 meteors per hour if the sky is sunny and free from light pollution.

The Orionid meteor is famous for its high speed and bright light when it streaks through the night sky. This meteor shower can be seen with the naked eye, without the need to use a telescope or other aids. To get the best experience, try to observe it from a place far from the light of the city and air pollution. This phenomenon is a rare opportunity to see the spectacular natural "firework" in the night sky.

3. Sightings of the Planet Venus and Jupiter

In October 2024, 2 bright planets, Venus and Jupiter, will appear to dominate the night sky. Venus, known as the "Gojora Star," will look stunning in the west sky at the beginning of the night. The planet will look very bright near the horizon, making it one of the most striking objects in the sky at dusk. For astronomy enthusiasts, this is a good opportunity to see the second planet from this Sun clearly.

Not only Venus, Jupiter will also appear bright in the eastern sky at night. The largest planet in the solar system will reach its peak brightness at the end of October. Using a simple telescope, observers can view Jupiter's largest moons, such as Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The appearance of Venus and Jupiter shining simultaneously in the night sky is a celestial phenomenon of October 2024 worth witnessing.

4. Partial Lunar Eclipse

Part of the lunar eclipse is one of the most anticipated moments in October 2024. This eclipse will take place on the night of 17-18 October 2024, when some of the Moon will penetrate Earth's shadow, making it appear a kind of darkness. This phenomenon can be seen from various parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Even though this eclipse is only part of it, it's still a view of the Moon that is slowly covered by Earth's shadow, it will be a stunning spectacle. The lunar eclipse is one of the safe celestial phenomena to observe with the naked eye, without requiring special protection such as when seeing a solar eclipse. Observers in areas that have sunny weather that night will be able to enjoy the beauty of this partial lunar eclipse.

5. Supermoon

In early October 2024, we will also be presented with the Supermoon phenomenon, where the Moon will appear bigger and brighter than generally. Supermoon occurs when the Moon is located at its closest distance to Earth in its elliptical orbit, or what perigee says. At this time, the Moon can appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than the usual full moon.

Supermoon in October 2024 will peak on October 1, and again on October 30. This is an opportunity for photography and astronomy enthusiasts to capture the extraordinary view of the Moon. Not only providing beautiful views, but Supermoon can also affect the tide of sea water, making it an interesting phenomenon for many people.

In addition, also read the Astronomy Phenomenon in July 2024 so that it can be used as a reference next year.

So after knowing the celestial phenomenon in October 2024, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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