JAKARTA - The yard grass, which originally grew in fresh green, is now starting to turn yellow, even drying in several areas. Of course, this interferes with the scenery and makes you wonder why the grass color is uneven and yellowing. Launching The Spruce, Friday, September 27, the following is the cause of yellowing grass and how to overcome it.

Most of the causes of yellowing and dry grass are fungi. Temperatures, weeds, and humidity levels also affect the vulnerability of grass to fungi. Some of the most common fungal diseases are peri rings, snow mushrooms, fusarians, and smut. To help prevent fungal diseases, make sure the grass pages are separated and have been aerated.

In general, yard grass grows faster with enough sunlight than in the shade. It is very difficult to grow grass under a large tree. When trying to grow grass in the shade, choose the type that is resistant, such as high fescue grass.

The yard grass also requires adequate irrigation. However, some types of grass are more resistant to drought than others. Once again, high fescue grass is an example of grass that does not turn yellow easily.

Your soil tests to find out whether the soil has enough nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Otherwise, make appropriate adjustments when you cultivate soil in the yard. Soil moisture greatly affects grass growth.

Sometimes, grass will stop growing in just one part of the page, which is in the part most people go through. This happens because the soil there becomes dense. The compactification has a negative impact on the flow of water and nutrients. Consider creating a path in that area.

Gulma grows rapidly. They compete with pages to gain resources (sun, water, nutrients). If there are too much weeds in the yard, then plants can inhibit or even crowd your yard.

One of the reasons for knowing when grass stops growing is because this knowledge gives you hints about when you should be prepared to stop using the lawnmower for another year. You have to stop cropping the grass when the grass stops growing. At this point, you need to take the right steps to store the lawnmower during winter.

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