JAKARTA - Want to connect with the deepest of you? Or want to live a more meaningful life? The answer, which you may find difficult to believe, is not outside of yourself. Instead, the answer is within you by finding your own values. The reason is, value or values in yourself determine what life is like for you. Having a value of life can even help you recover from various conditions. Some proof-based treatments use values as a basis for treating depression.
In today's fast-paced world, it's understandable if you feel disconnected from the value of yourself. Often, you feel dependent on other people's personal agendas and desires for you.
However, by finding a value of yourself, you can find a way. The key is to pause from life's fatigue and rethink the most important qualities in you, not others.
Identifying the value of yourself and living it firmly helps you build a satisfying life in various ways, such as:
When you know your value, it will be easier not to let fear, anxiety, or negative thoughts prevent you from pursuing projects, activities, or adventures that are very important and inspiring.
Self-value can raise enthusiasm from within to write books that help you get through difficult times, or travel to an extraordinary dream location. Self-valuation is fuel that keeps you moving in the direction you want to go, even when anxiety or self-confidence arises.
Similar to that, self-values serve as a band of resistance to how much (if there is) anger, frustration, jealousy, or other potentially burdensome emotions can form when resolving conflicts or improving relationships. Self-values guide you in taking action over what is valued.
Values in yourself help you take a firm stance when rejecting requests, invitations, and activities that don't mean much. Saying "no" to things that are less important gives you time, energy, and resources for things that really matter to you. If it's still difficult to say no, know that it's a skill that anyone can hone and control.
Expressing your value helps you wake up with a sense of having a life goal. So that you are more confident and don't care about any stress barriers or triggers that arise.
Research has found that having a purpose in life can produce various benefits, including reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. Maintaining a sense of having a goal in middle age can even predict better physical well-being
When a difficult situation or a dilemma arises, the value diir can guide you in decision making. Core values can give you clarity during times that may be chaotic and confusing. These values guide you to make wise and healthy decisions that can prepare you for success in the long term.
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