JAKARTA - NewJeans has made up a live broadcast about several things that have happened at ADOR lately. It is known that HYBE stated that Min Hee Jin resigned from the CEO position and was replaced by Kim Joo Young.

They held a live broadcast via a new YouTube channel on Wednesday, September 11 evening. They wanted to talk to HYBE after voicing live but they didn't get the communication they wanted.

The broadcast, which was held for 32 minutes, resulted in several points raised by Haerin, Hanni, Minji, Danielle, and Hyein.

The five members know Min Hee Jin is no longer their CEO and that makes them disappointed because they feel a vision and mission with Min Hee Jin. They think Min Hee Jin is not only a CEO but someone who can be invited to discuss because Min Hee Jin is the one who knows the group identity from the start.

Even before debuting as NewJeans and going through the time we had with CEO Min Hee Jin, we all felt the music we wanted and the world we wanted to build up - our vision was very similar. With CEO Min Hee Jin, we can prepare everything with a sincere heart and we believe it's what shows the results of our work," said Danielle.

Hanni told one of the events that still had an impression on her mind. He once heard a manager from another group asking the group to ignore Hanni who greeted them. Hanni remembers Min Hee Jin who always defended them rather than making excuses.

I was waiting alone in the hall of the building and the members of the other groups passed me with one of their managers. So we greet each other, but when they come out for a few minutes, their manager says in front of me just 'Hirasukan'. I can hear and see everything, so when I think about it again, I don't understand why I have to go through something like that," said Hanni.

"I told the new CEO about it but he said there was no evidence. Seeing how he took care of it, I felt we lost our protectors and the new CEO didn't really care about us. I told him about the incident but I felt like I was a liar," he continued.

In HYBE's statement, the company said that ADOR would separate production and management. Min Hee Jin remains a producer but he cannot manage NewJeans in management.

We always operate differently from other labels. Now, Min Hee Jin doesn't have the power to confirm everything, so how can we work like we used to? " said Minji.

"How ADOR operates in management and production is no different and that's what makes the two of them very related. This is how we and our CEOs work to produce NewJeans content that you enjoy. But now he's not CEO and both of these things will be seen as two different areas," said Hanni.

"I want to work with people who help me mentally, which I'm grateful for but I don't understand why outsiders are disturbing us," said Haerin.

Hyein admitted that they knew about Min Hee Jin's resignation from the article, not being told by the company. It made them sad because they were not told anything from the management.

The company's unilateral announcement makes us believe they don't respect us. In the midst of that situation, we heard from our manager that the new CEO wanted to greet us," said Hanni.

"We have a choice to react to every situation and we will not follow every HYBE directive blindly. We are aware this is entering the realm of our work and we should be treated better than now," said Hanni.

Hanni explained that Min Hee Jin was assigned to make plans for NewJeans in two months that they thought were unreasonable.

"Please return CEO Min Hee Jin to his position, and return ADOR as before, not with a new environment with foreign people," Hyein said.

From a human point of view, I want you to stop disturbing our CEO Min Hee Jin. He is very sorry and this makes HYBE like a company inhumane. What do we have to learn from companies like this?" asked Danielle.

What we want is an original ADOR in which Min Hee Jin is CEO and management and production combined. The reason we are asking for this is because this is the only way we can go hand in hand with HYBE without arguing with the company. If our opinion can be delivered properly, we hope that directors Bang (Si Hyuk) and HYBE can make an adult decision to return ADOR until September 25. Thank you for hearing us, "said Minji closing the live broadcast.

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