JAKARTA - After Desiree Tarigan gave an open statement about family problems with her husband, Hotma Sitompul, through her lawyer, also held a press conference. Through his attorney, Dion Pongkor, Hotma emphasized that he never wanted to expel his wife.

"We are here because Mrs. Desi always presents a lawyer. Actually, before Mr. Hotman entered there had been several meetings. Until Mr. Hotma came in, there had actually been a negotiation process, so we said please postpone it first. Moreover, it was just the first letter, it was answered. please postpone it first. But ignored, then there was banging on the door yesterday, "said Dion, at a press conference Monday, March 29.

Desiree again confirmed that she was kicked out by her husband on February 7th. He was asked to pack his belongings and then move to his mother's house. This statement was denied by Hotma.

"According to Pak Hotma's information, you left the house with your belongings. Including valuables. After that, it was already communicated," he explained.

Dion asked that Hotman Sitompul and Desiree Tarigan's household problems not be taken too far into the public domain. "The issue that is sticking out now is talking about wealth, it's not talking about wealth yet. This is about reuniting husbands and wives. This has to be the same as their perceptions first. I'm afraid if different perceptions will vacate the house again," he said.

Dion also emphasized that Hotma Sitompul did not have an affair. "Mr. Hotma wants to unite first, there is no problem of adultery at all. We actually don't want to give press conferences many times. We emphasize this first and last, there are two points that are conveyed, one is that there is no adultery and household issues are a matter of privacy," he said.

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