YOGYAKARTA - Introducing breast milk complement (MPASI) food to babies is an important step in the development of their nutrition. Choosing food ingredients for MPASI is one of the important factors to consider. Choosing the right oil is one of the important factors to consider. So what is good oil for cooking MPASI? Let's discuss it!

Oil is the intake of fat that babies need for brain growth, development of the nervous system, and energy. However, some types of oil are not suitable for cooking MPASI. This article will discuss which types of oil are suitable for MPASI and how to choose them properly.

The Importance Of Fat In MPASI

Fat is an essential nutritional component for babies, especially in the first year of growth. Fat plays a role in helping the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, and supporting brain development. Therefore, including quality oil in the MPASI is highly recommended, but it needs to be considered so as not to overdo it and remain safe for the baby's digestion.

Good Oil Criteria For MPASI

Not all types of oil are suitable for MPASI. Here are some things that must be considered in choosing the right oil:

1. Virgin Extra Oil

This oil is rich in single unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, both for the development of the baby's brain and skin. Because the smog is low, this oil is suitable for menumis with small flames or added after cooking.

2. Coconut Oil

Containing laurat acid, which is also found in breast milk, this oil has antimicrobial properties that support the baby's immunity. With high smog points, coconut oil is suitable for cooking MPASI, but it should be used in medium amounts because the fat is high.

3. Alpukat Oil

This healthy oil is rich in single unsaturated fatty acids and is good for the baby's brain and nervous system. Due to its high smog point, avocado oil is suitable for various cooking methods such as menumis, roasting, or steaming.

4. Sun Flower Seed Oil

Containing vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids, this oil helps the baby's brain grow. Light flavors and high smog points make it ideal for various ways of cooking MPASI.

5. Canola Oil

This oil contains high omega-3 and low saturated fat, suitable to support the development of the baby's brain. With a neutral taste, canola oil is also suitable for cooking MPASI without changing the taste of food.

Tips On Using Oil For MPASI

Speaking of MPASI, of course, you should not miss the Recommendation of the current MPASI so that nutrition for your little one is complete.

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