YOGYAKARTA Profile of Father Markus Solo Kewuta received attention from the public when he served as a companion to Pope Francis who visited Indonesia. On that occasion, Father Markus not only accompanied Pope Francis but also became an interpreter.

On several occasions, Father Markus appears to translate Pope Francis' speech and speech. One of them was on the agenda of the meeting between the Pope and President Jokowi which was held at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 4.

Markus Solo Kewuta or familiarly called Padre Marco was born in Lewouran, Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, on August 4, 1968. His childhood was spent in East Flores. Father Markus studied at the elementary level at Lewouran Elementary School, while junior high school was first attended at SMPK Ile Bura Lewotobi, then continued to SMAK Seminari San Dominggo, Hokeng.

Father Markus' journey from the beginning until now is indeed quite long. He joined the Union of the Word of Allah in 1988 and then entered the Novisiat of the missionary Union in Nenuk, Timor. In the second year of his Novisiat educator, he studied at the University level at the Catholic Philosophy College, Santo Paulus Ledalero, Maumere, Flores.

After his philosophy college education was pursued for two years, Father Markus was sent to Vienna, Austria. In that country he continued his theology study at the Catholic Theology College of Sankt Gabriel in Modling.

His seriousness in the field of the Theology then managed to lead him to a doctoral education at the Fundamental Theology at the University of Leopold Franzens in the city of Innsbruck, Austria. At the university he managed to win a doctorate for Summa Cum Laude.

Markus Solo began his pastoral practice at Paroki Pischelsdorf, Steiermark, Austria. For six months he had his routine as a actor. Not long after, on May 3, 1997, Markus was appointed Catholic priest at the SVD Sankt Mission House Gabriel, Vienna, Austria.

In 1997-1998, Markus served Catholics in the Parish of Santo Maximilian, Bischofshofen, Salzburg, Austria as the Assistant Pastor. Then in 1999 he was appointed head of the Austrian SVD Union.

Father Markus is known to have a strong academic background. For that reason he was also summoned by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn to return to Vienna. There he was asked to be involved in various activities. Until 2006, Cardinal Schönborn appointed Father Markus to be the rector at the Asia-Africa International Institute (Afro-Asiatisches Institute, AAI), Vienna.

Father Markus' dedication was finally heard in the Vatican environment. For that reason, the Vatican Holy See also summoned Father Markus to enter as an advisory staff of the Passage Council focused on Inter-Religious Dialogue (Pontificate Council for Interreligious Dialogue, PCID), Vatican.

That's information related to Father Markus Solo Kewuta's profile. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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