YOGYAKARTA - Cycling is a simple sport that has many health benefits. This one sport can also be done by various groups, both children and adults. But many people ask, 'is it safe for pregnant women to cycle?'.

A woman who is pregnant or pregnant needs to maintain her physical activities. Pregnant women are advised to carry out activities that are safe or not endanger themselves or the fetus in the womb. However, pregnant women are also allowed to do certain sports.

If so, is cycling a safe sport for pregnant women? A pregnant woman is actually allowed to ride a bicycle, but still pays attention to her body's abilities. Because when pregnant, the ability and balance of the woman's body will decrease because she is pregnant.

So what are the ways of cycling that are safe for pregnant women? What are the benefits obtained by pregnant women by cycling?

During pregnancy, not all types of exercise are safe to do. The recommended exercise for pregnant women is usually the light one, one of which is cycling.

Cycling is one of the sports choices that is suitable for pregnancy. There are several benefits that can be obtained from cycling for pregnant women as follows:

Although cycling is considered safe for pregnant women, it is important to pay attention to when the time is right to do it. This is important to remember because the older the gestational age, the greater the need for a mother's body for special care.

Cycling in the first trimester of pregnancy is still considered safe. At this stage, pregnant women's weight has not increased, so they can cycle more comfortably. In addition, at this stage, the balance of the body and the center of gravity of pregnant women has not experienced major changes, so the risk of falling is relatively low.

However, when entering the third trimester, the center of gravity of the pregnant woman's body has shifted. This condition increases the risk of falling while cycling. In addition, a larger stomach can put more pressure on the back which has the potential to cause discomfort.

If pregnant women continue to force themselves to cycle and fall, there is a risk of experiencing a placenta absorption. This pregnancy combination occurs when the placenta is detached from the uterine wall, which can cause miscarriage or premature childbirth. This is the reason why pregnant women need to consider cycling activities when pregnancy has entered the third trimester.

Pregnant women are still allowed to cycle during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, for the safety of mothers and babies, caution is needed when cycling is needed. Here are some safe and cyclisty guidelines for pregnant women:

Pregnant women are advised to wear helmets that are standard in order to reduce the risk of head injuries. Avoid tight clothes and use a sports bra to support enlarged breasts during pregnancy.

Choose a special lane for bicycles, not on crowded roads or sidewalks. It is better to choose a route with one-way traffic and avoid stopping suddenly. Also choose a quiet road and minimal obstacles.

Make sure the weather and time support cycling outside, such as not raining or too hot. Don't cycle alone, invite your partner or relatives who can accompany you.

Make sure pregnant women are really familiar and comfortable with the bicycles they use. New bicycles or rentals may be uncomfortable and could be risky.

Make sure to consume enough water. Immediately stop cycling if pregnant women feel shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, paleness, vaginal bleeding, nausea, contraction, release of fluid from the vagina, or reduced movement of the baby.

Pregnant women can start cycling slowly and avoid forcing themselves. Even though you are used to exercising, it is recommended to reduce the duration of training. For example, if you usually cycle for 5 kilometers per day, you should only cover about 3 kilometers.

That's an explanation of how pregnant women ride bicycles. A pregnant woman is allowed to ride a bicycle because it is a safe sport and has many benefits. However, when cycling, pregnant women still have to pay attention to body condition and safety. Also read tips on cycling on the highway to be safe.

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