YOGYAKARTA There are many natural herbal ingredients that are beneficial for health. Especially to manage and relieve pain, herbs and essential oils according to research can be utilized. If you are looking for alternatives to overcome pain with herbal ingredients, here's the list.

Traditionally, cloves are used to relieve pain due to toothache. Cengkeh comes from the Eugonia caryophyllata plant which according to research in 2021, clove oil has the same properties in easing pain with ice in children. This oil is found to be more effective than lygnocain gel which is a local anesthetic. Cengkeh is also believed to be antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-ageur, and antiviral.

Ginger is a promising root as a pain reliever. A 2017 study found that ginger powder is as effective as a mother-in-law in controlling postoperative pain. Previous research found that consuming 2 grams of ginger per day reduced muscle pain due to endurance and running after five days of consumption. Ginger is also recommended to be consumed to speed up recovery and reduce inflammation due to exercise.

A study in 2021 showed a reduction in pain after consuming tsetara tunyi with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Reported by Medical News Today, Thursday, September 5, turmeric is also an herbal medicine that helps reduce inflammation.

lavender essential oils also help relieve pain naturally. 2023 research found, inhaled lavender oil, or applied topically, significantly reducing the severity of pain in people who were stabbed with needles into their arteries. Lavenders also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on animals.

Just like lavender essential oils, rosemary essential oils also help relieve pain. In addition, it also helps treat headaches, muscle and bone aches, and seizures. This can also reduce pain in people who experience break-up opium, reduce inflammation, relax innocent muscles, and increase memory.

The peppermint oil is made from the Mentha piperite L. plant, which according to a number of studies shows that it has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and pain relievers. One 2015 review noted that people traditionally use peppermint to relieve painful seizures and problems related to joint inflammation. The researchers also reported that applying peppermint oil to temples and foreheads can relieve tense headaches.

Woody oil is calming when inhaled in its aroma. This oil also relieves pain, relieves swelling, and inflammation. This is evidenced by research in 2022 that inhaling eucalyptus oil relieves pain. But pay attention, be careful when using it around small children and can only be applied topically to adults.

Indonesians know a lot of capsaicin as Javanese chili. The content in it offers pain relievers, improves sleep quality, fatigue, and depression. Research in 2021 found that capsaicin was used topically effectively to reduce neuropathic pain.

In addition to being able to take advantage of herbal ingredients that help relieve the pain above, it is important to know the composition. Essential oils, such as lavender and peppermint, need to be mixed with diluted carrier oil to reduce the adverse effects on the skin. It is also important to check with a doctor if an alternative drug does not cure pain.

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