YOGYAKARTA The existence of wedding robes in Indonesia is still very rare. This happens because not many people know the wedding robe. In addition, the existence of these clothes does not represent Indonesian culture. However, wedding robe as one of the wedding wedding dress has various intentions and goals.

This article will discuss the wedding robe covering its understanding, benefits, and election tips.

When viewed from language, the word 'robe' is a term in English which means robe. In the term wedding robe can be interpreted as a wedding robe.

Currently, wedding robe is defined as clothing worn by brides-to-be as part of the wedding preparations. This tradition is popular especially in European countries. The use of robe actually begins with the habit of a royal woman wearing a luxurious robe as part of preparations to go to big and formal events.

From this habit, a wedding role appeared, namely the clothes worn before the prospective bride and groom wore a wedding dress.

The appearance of the wedding robe is no less charming than the wedding dress. This dress usually prioritizes several aspects, namely as follows.

Even though it was worn before the bride and groom wore a wedding dress, the wedding robe was still elegantly and charmingly designed. Even today, many Indonesian designers are designing the wedding robe specifically which is adapted to the theme of marriage.

Not only prioritizing appearance, wedding robe also strengthens comfort. Usually these clothes are made from soft ingredients such as satin, silk, or cotton.

Because it is worn by the bride and groom only, the design and ingredients are adjusted to the needs of the user. The designer will ask the wishes of the prospective bride and groom regarding the design.

Making wedding robe is not without reason. The presence of wedding robe provides its own benefits for the prospective bride and groom.

Wedding robe will be worn before the bride wears her wedding dress. For example, during make-up or before the main session of the wedding. Wedding robe is a temporary dress before the dress is worn so that it helps minimize damage to the dress.

The bride's comfort will be maintained ahead of the wedding core ceremony. Not only made of soft materials, the wedding robe is usually made simpler so it does not limit the movement of brides before the core event begins.

Wedding robe also helps increase the confidence of the bride and groom. Nervous sometimes hit the bride and groom. This dress is like a simulation so that the bride and groom can be better prepared to walk to the aisle.

For those of you who plan to wear a wedding robe, there are several things that need to be considered, namely as follows.

Try to choose a comfortable robe wedding cloth because this outfit will be worn for some time before the bride and groom wear a dress.

It is recommended to choose a wedding robe with a simple, comfortable, and less restrictive design for the bride and groom's movement.

In a sense, the wedding role design can be adjusted to the needs of the bride and groom. Personalization covers colors, accessories, and so on.

It is hoped that the public will know the wedding role. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.id.

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