JAKARTA - When the youngest and eldest both grab the attention of their parents, both of them can act out. There is always a reason that can spark a fight between the two. This is not uncommon for every family.

Even when they are young, the 'competition' to grab the attention of the family will still continue. What can parents do to keep siblings in harmony? Here are tips that can be practiced by parents.

Avoid jealousy

What triggers jealousy the most in children, both the eldest and the youngest, is the different treatment and comparing the two. As fair parents, this needs to be avoided so that children do not 'compete' to get more attention from their parents.

Treat it uniquely

Reporting from the Huffington Post, Friday, March 26, Adele Faber suggests treating each child in a unique way. This suggestion from the author of the book Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Helo Your Children Live together So You Can Live Too can be practiced in everyday life.

For example, give children gifts based on their preferences for special moments. However, it is not recommended to give the same gift. This aims to minimize competition and build awareness from an early age that every child has different potential.

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/38509/dalam-parenting-ada-3-hal-yang-dibentuk-anak-perempuan-dari-ayahnya

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/37980/4-perakuan-anak-yang-sering-menguras-emosi-orang-]

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/33336/dampak-negatif-pola-asuh-otoriter-pada-perkembangan-anak

- https://voi.id/teknologi/32029/strategi-kominfo-cipta-ruang-digital-aman-bagi-anak

- https://voi.id/teknologi/32026/tips-i-digital-parenting-i-ala-google-saat-anak-berselancar-di-internet

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Build happy moments together

Togetherness can be the basis for keeping brother and sister relationships harmonious. This moment can be built on agreement and setting a good example. For example, when taking a walk in the park you can take turns pushing swings.

Build closeness early on

Since a younger sibling is born, try to give the older brother the opportunity to express his affection for his younger sibling. Like by kissing or paying attention to his younger sibling. Emphasize also to the older siblings that parental love will not be divided. Love for siblings will remain intact after younger siblings are born.

hubungan antara kakak dan adik
Illustration of a relationship between siblings in harmony (Unsplash / Ben White)

The process of opening up your brother's heart and getting used to it requires a long process. For parents, it takes intense or heart-to-heart communication with the eldest child.

Get used to support, protect, and respect each other

Positive habits can be taught from an early age, even when the younger sibling is still in the womb. During the growing years, parents can teach about mutual support, protection, and respect.

Because brothers and sisters have different characters, the approach to each child will also be different. Besides, it was necessary to avoid scolding one of them in front of the others.

Anger will not lead to a solution, but it can be traumatic, reinforcing feelings of jealousy, and competition. If one of you makes a mistake, remind him firmly but not in anger.

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