YOGYAKARTA Monitoring and limiting daily sugar consumption is important for long-term health. The reason is, sometimes it is complacent with excess eating of candy, sweet drinks, plus kukis. Launching a report from the Ministry of Health in January 2023, the number of diabetes cases in children increased 70 times compared to 2010. That is why it is very important to know the limit on sugar consumption per day for children.

According to pediatrician Danelle Fisher, the limit on sugar consumption in children and adults is not much different. What distinguishes is awareness in limiting and controlling the portion. Adults, of course, know how limited sugar consumption is per day. But children need direction from those closest to them. Fisher's explanation reported by The Huffington Post, Thursday, August 15, shows that the body needs sugar for energy. But we don't have to avoid eating sweet foods. It's just limiting consumption and selecting which sweet foods are healthy and not. For example, choose sugar from fruit, vegetables, or honey instead of table sugar.

"For children who have difficulty eating and need additional nutrition via shakes, sugar is an additional ingredient that will make shakes more delicious and therefore more likely to be consumed by children," said nutritionist Lisa Richards. But this must be balanced by actively carrying out activities, added Richards.

In a scientific statement published in Circulation, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that children aged 2 18 years limit their consumption of additional sugar. They must limit consumption to less than 6 teaspoons per day or 25 grams. As for sweet drinks, it must be limited to no more than eight ounces per week, reported by Harvard TH Chan, School of Public Health.

Other information that must be understood, sweet drinks are the main contributor to the obesity epidemic. Only 20 ounces of soda can contain more than 16 tablespoons of sugar. Children aged less than 2 years should not eat anything food or drink anything with additional sugar.

"There is clear evidence that additional sugar, especially sweet drinks, contributes to obesity and other metabolic problems," said Dr. Frank Hu, Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Harvard Chan School of Public Health.

That means, parents and the school environment must be aware and strategic in limiting what children consume. This must be done so that children develop healthier eating and drinking habits from an early age.

It should also be understood, additional sugar refers to any type of sugar. Including table sugar, fructose, honey, and agave. Both sugar is consumed by yourself, in food, or in drinks. A good strategy to limit additional sugar is a diet rich in minimally processed foods. Including lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, healthy protein, and healthy fat, and choosing water instead of sugar and sweet juice.

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