JAKARTA - The handsome actor Indra Brugman has not been heard from for a long time. He seemed to have disappeared from the frenetic world of entertainment in this country. Even though the soap opera player Jinny oh Jinny is always awaiting his appearance by fans.

"I'm bored of playing soap operas. Nobody challenged his offer. The only director who handled it was only action and cut. That's why I switched to other business fields", said Indra when asked why he hadn't played soap operas for a long time.

So that, Indra Brugman now has a new 'toy' called the Kopibrug Cafe which is taken from his family name Bruggman. A coffee shop located in the Tebet area, South Jakarta, made him enthusiastic.

"This is the field that I am now working on. After my previous life in the Muslim fashion business with my family. Here I really devote my mind and energy and my savings. I need prayers and support from all who used to be my fans", said Indra when met at his cafe, Tuesday, March 23.

At Kopibrug Cafe Indra offers the concept of "Ngariung" (Sundanese; gathering). "The type of drink may be the same as other cafes. What distinguishes is the atmosphere is Ngariung. A gathering place for friends and family. That's why there are several private and open spaces here", said the actor who was born in Tasikmalaya, May 8, 1981.

Even so, Kopibrug Cafe Indra also provides special food, namely nasi lemak. "This is a form of respect for my mother, who recently passed away. Because our family makes nasi lemak made my mother's favorite food because it tastes good and the mixture of vegetables and meat is complete. Anyway, this is an extraordinary food", he added.

Indra is well aware that this business with a sizable investment is not just a side-by-side or selling his name which is still popular today. That's why Indra is there of the cafe is open until closed. "So if you want to meet me, it's easy. Just come to the Kopibrug Cafe. We're Ngariung here", he said. To add to the warmth of the atmosphere, every day there is acoustic music from 16.00 to 21.00.

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