JAKARTA - The pair Aaliyah Massaid and Tariq Halilintar are suspected of getting married soon. Previously, Tariq Halilintar and Aaliyah Massaid had entered the marriage permit file into the Kebayoran Lama KUA, South Jakarta, the house area of Aaliyah Massaid.
This was said by the Head of the Kebayoran Lama KUA, Chalabi, who had received marriage certificates from Tariq Halilintar and Aaliyah Massaid.
Earlier, one of the crew from Mr. Atta (Thariq Halilintar) was sent to enter the file. But they are not married in our area," Chalabi said at his office, Monday, July 15.
Ahead of his happy day, suddenly an invitation to a wedding that included the names Aaliyah and Tariq was spread on social media.
The invitation was first uploaded by the gossip account @lambe_danau. The invitation with a purple background wrote the full names Aaliyah and Tariq as well as the names of their parents.
"By requesting Rahmat and Ridho Allah SWT, we invite Mr/Mother/Brother/I to attend the wedding of Aaliyah Massaid, the daughter of the late Adjie Massaid and Mrs. Reza. Thariq Halilintar, the son of Mr. Halilintar and Mrs. Lenggogeni," read the text in the invitation quoted by VOI from Instagram @lambe_danau, Thursday, July 18.
Furthermore, the invitation was even written on the date of the contract event and also the wedding reception of Atta Halilintar's younger brother.
It was written in the invitation that Tariq and Aaliyah would get married on August 22.
"Akad, 22 August 202X, 08.00-complete. Reception, 22 August 202X, 11.00-complete," the invitation added.
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