4 Benefits Of Black Seed For Body Health
Black Seed Illustration (Tara Winstead / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Many herbal plants in the world are believed to have a myriad of health benefits. Plants are usually an alternative to prevent or treat disease naturally. One that is known to be effective is black cumin or Black Seed. Must have heard this name often, right?

So Black Seed is a black cumin seed that comes from the Nigella Sativa plant which is native to South Asia and West Asia. These black cumin seeds are commonly used in seasonings and preservatives in Indian and Middle Eastern dishes.

The taste itself is very unique, there is a combination of spicy and bitter with a distinctive aroma. For example, it tastes more or less like a mixture of shallots, oregano, and black pepper.

Currently, Black Seed can be consumed in powder form in capsules or in oil. Well, Black Seed is already known as a spice with many health benefits. Here are the benefits:

Maintain blood sugar levels

Black seed is believed to reduce blood sugar levels in some people. According to research in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2017, taking supplements containing Black Seed can help control conditions of fasting blood sugar and average blood sugar.

Overcoming obesity

In research in the journal Food & Function in 2015, there is a high probability that Black Seed Oil can reduce health risk factors in obese women. Obese people can undergo a healthy diet coupled with the consumption of Black Seed Oil to help lose weight and reduce waist circumference.

Cure acne

If you have a problem with acne, you can try to treat it with Black Seed Oil. This oil has been used for centuries to treat skin problems including acne, rashes, and skin inflammation.


Black Seed contains saponins which are believed to function to ward off toxins in the body and blood. There is a study in the Journal of Health Sciences 2008 that examines Black Seed can help liver function in managing toxins in the body.

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