JAKARTA - Two book collections of poetry by writer Wina Armada Sukardi, received the World and Indonesia Recovery Award (MURI), Wednesday, July 10, in Jakarta. The two books were respectively Testing the Moon (published in 2023) and Hemorized Labour of Benda' (published tofu 2024). The handover of the MURI Anugrah was carried out directly by the founder of MURI, Jaya Suprana together with the president director of MURI, Aylawati Sarwono.

Wina gave MURI the award for the category Perintis of poetry books for children and material poetry books. Apart from Wina Armada Sukardi, that day there were also seven other MURI recipients for various categories. One of them is a singer from Surabaya, Erwina. He received MURI's award for the category Indonesian singer who speaks eleven foreign languages. There are also recipients for the category of service to humanity, as well as the first woman to receive a doctorate in the Katololik theology.

MURI was founded January 27, 1990. His first record was issued on July 14, 1990 for the youngest Pedestrian, Vinas V. Lindri Saputri, aged 6 years. He has taken a distance of 55 Km Semarang-Jakarta for 26 days. Until now, MURI has set 11,700 records.

Wina Armada explained that the poetry book for children published was driven by the fact that there were no poetry books for children. "If there are some poetry books about children," he said.

According to Wina, children in the kiwari era are very different from children in the past, both from their way of thinking and from their socio-cultural diversity. If they are not familiar with art, it could be that in the future they also do not know good or bad values," he said.

Previously, Vienna had also produced several poetry books, both single and joint works. In addition, Vienna is also a recipient of the lifetine acquisition as a fictional writer of the writer Satupena organization. He won twice the Mitra Cup as the best critic. He is currently the editor-in-chief on Podcast Nine.

Wina said that the acceptance of MURI Awards for her was like de javu or repeating an incident again. This is because Aya Wina's father, Gandhi Sukardi, is also a recipient of the MURI Award twice as a writer of three consecutive years of reading in a continuous manner in the daily Jakarta Post newspaper.

MURI made us aware of the limitbis sky, aka the limit of our ability is the inconstraint itself, said Wina. The MURI Award event ended with Erwina's performance performing Classic Mandarin songs and Indonesian songs from East Java, Rek Come on Rek.

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