YOGYAKARTA - Some people like to drink coffee by mixing other ingredients to add a different taste. For example, inserting milk, ginger, lemongrass, even eggs into a cup of coffee. Many ask, eat coffee mixed with cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a spice in the form of wood skin which is often processed as a food or drink. Cinnamon is often consumed because it contains good health. Many people use this bark to overcome various disease problems.

If there is a question about coffee mixed with cinnamon, then the answer is okay. This fragrant spice can be a natural sweetener when brewed with coffee. In addition, a mixture of coffee with cinnamon is also a healthy drink.

Some people like to enjoy coffee concoctions mixed with cinnamon. The existence of this cinnamon can add benefits to a cup of coffee for theirILers. So what are the benefits that can be obtained from drinking cinnamon mixed coffee?

As drinks that are often consumed on a daily basis, coffee can be added to a mixture of cinnamon. This concoction can add pleasure to the taste of coffee while providing a number of health benefits.

Cinnamon contains a cinnamaldehyde' compound that produces a strong aroma and spicy taste. In addition, this wood skin spice also stores a number of important nutrients such as protein, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and antioxidant substances.

With these various ingredients, cinnamon can be processed as a healthy coffee concoction. This drink can be enjoyed as an effort to prevent various diseases or health problems.

Cinnamon's cinnamon or other spices has been known for a long time as a medicinal ingredient. For thousands of years, people of ancient times have been using cinnamon for natural medicine.

Cinnamon stores rich antioxidants that act as a free radical deterrent. A mixture of cinnamon can add antioxidants that are actually already found in the coffee drink itself. Here are some important benefits of cinnamon in coffee drinks to note:

One of the benefits of cinnamon for health is to help fight fungal and bacterial infections. Cinamaldehyde compounds in cinnamon have the ability to fight various types of bacteria.

In addition, cinnamon oil is also effective in dealing with fungal infections. The antimicrobial effect of cinnamon can help prevent tooth damage and reduce odor. Consumption of drinks mixed with cinnamon can increase the immune system against bacterial attacks.

According to a journal published by the National Library of Medicine, mixing cinnamon into coffee can improve heart health. This efficacy can help in preventemic heart disease.

Active components of cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid can function to protect the heart because of its ability to produce nitric oxides and their anti-inflammatory properties. A study also concluded that consumption of cinnamon as much as 120 mg per day can reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Consuming coffee can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's. Adding cinnamon to a cup of coffee can provide additional benefits for brain health.

Cinnamon contains phytochemical or nutrients originating from plants. This nutritional content is useful in increasing the ability of the human brain to utilize glucose.

Cinnamon can function like insulin, which is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels by turning them into energy. With these benefits, the use of cinnamon powder can prevent diabetes. Cinnamon wood can also help stabilize glucose and lipid levels in diabetics.

That's the answer from coffee mixed with cinnamon. You can brew coffee by adding cinnamon to get a more delicious and different taste, and get its own properties. This concoction is suitable for those of you who are bored with regular coffee drinks or other additional ingredients. Also read 9 natural ingredients for coffee mixtures.

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