YOGYAKARTA – The use of fake nails to beautify hands is now widespread. This practice is usually carried out by women, although there are also men who do it for certain purposes such as work demands and so on. Regarding this matter, Muslims are advised to question the law of using fake nails in Islam.

Law Using Fake Nails in Islam

There are no clear rules explaining whether it is halal or haram to use fake nails. However, this case can be compared to the use of fake eyelashes. Both are used to add to the impression of beauty. Apart from that, both fake nails and fake eyelashes are only attached with glue and can be removed at any time, meaning they are not permanent.

The law of wearing fake nails cannot be equated with the law of connecting body parts, for example connecting hair or connecting eyelashes, which is considered haram.

The law of hair extensions is explained by Imam Ar-Rafi'i in Fathul 'Aziz bi Syarh al-Wajiz which was reported by NU Online.

In his explanation, Imam Ar-Rafi'i explained that there are several reasons why extension is considered forbidden/haram, namely as follows.

  1. Used hair for extensions is an unclean object
  2. The hair used comes from a foreigner (ajnabi) while that person cannot be seen
  3. If the hair is made from a halal animal, it is edible, but the user is an unmarried woman who carries out the grafting with the intention of inviting bad things.
  4. Which should not be looked at If the fur comes from an animal that is halal to eat, but the woman is not yet married and intends to invite bad things.

By reading the explanation above, in the case of using fake nails, it must be explained in detail first, starting from the raw material to whether the use of these nails has the potential to prevent water from entering the body when washing or not.

If the nail installation does not block water, or the use is not permanent and can be removed during the obligatory wudu or madi rituals, then wearing fake nails is permissible. However, its use must be accompanied by a note that the fake nail material used is made from non-impure objects, for example plastic, wood, and so on.

The permissibility of using fake nails is also based on the absence of a extension process. Apart from that, there is no process of changing God's creation.

However, the use of fake nails must be accompanied by caution so that their use actually triggers negligence. For example, sticking it with glue has the potential to make your nails unclean. Dry glue has the potential to block water during ablution or mandatory bathing.

Apart from that, also consider the health effects for the user, whether on the glue or nail material used. Users must critically check the materials they wear.

Apart from the law regarding using fake nails in Islam, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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