Effective Ways To Relieve Stress Based On Blood Type
Stress illustration (Unsplash / Francisco Moreno)

JAKARTA - Stress is often experienced, regardless of the background and profession of each person. Stress on the one hand can have positive benefits because it can increase self-awareness to handle it. However, stress that cannot be handled properly can develop and become depressed for a long time.

A number of studies recommend effective ways of relieving stresss based on blood type. The following is based on the order of the blood group that is most stressful and how to relieve it.

A blood type

Blood type determines the level of hormones in the body. Reporting from Medical Daily, Wednesday, March 17, blood type A tends to have higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone in the body than other blood groups.

To deal with stress, this blood type is recommended for adequate and regular exercise. The most beneficial sports are tai chi and yoga. Both can reduce tension compared to jogging and lifting weights.

Blood type A also gets anxious easily and has a harder time letting things go away. This occurs when the adrenal glands release more cortisol into the blood so that the stress response is more acute than for other blood types.

Blood types A and B are advised to consume enough foods that contain vitamin B, ginseng root, Ayurvedic herbs, and eleuthero root. The function of some of these foods is to maintain a healthy nervous system and strengthen physical resistance to stress.

Blood type AB

Based on a study, blood group AB is prone to memory problems. The risk of having a stroke is also the greatest for blood group AB because the blood clots more than other blood types.

AB blood group including the second blood group often experiences stress. For stress management, this blood type can diet by eating foods rich in amino acids and fiber. And you need to avoid eating chicken, bananas, corn, black beans and avocado.

cara meredakan stres berdasarkan golongan darah
Illustration of releasing stress (Unsplash / Ryan Moreno)
Blood type B

Similar to blood type A, blood group B has a high cortisol level. These stress triggers can disrupt sleep patterns and lower immunity. To relieve stress, you can do shifting exercises, such as cycling, tennis, and tracking.

Blood type O

The stress experienced by Blood Type O is often expressed in anger, irritability, and a need for a lot of movement. When under stress, this blood type is more destructive or damaging. To relieve it, it is necessary to release energy for aerobic exercise of 30 to 45 minutes duration.

According to a 2012 study by Harvard University, if stresss are not managed properly, blood type O is at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Of all blood types, need vitamin B to reduce stress from food.

As for blood type O, foods rich in amino acids and rhadiola can fight the worst conditions because cortisol levels increase.

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