JAKARTA - Gunawan Dwi Cahyo is suspected of pawning the car which belongs to his son and Okie Agustina, Miro Materazzi Gunawan.

The car had previously been decided by the Bogor Religious Court to be given to Miro to meet his needs.

However, Okie suspected that Gunawan had pawned the car without his permission. Seeing this, Okie took firm steps by making fun of her ex-husband.

In the summons, Pasha Ungu's ex-wife also gave Gunawan three days to return the car to its original condition.

Otherwise, Okie will not hesitate to report this to the authorities.

"We have tried legally, whether it's a crime, to the police. As well as, civilly. Hopefully it can be returned so that we no longer need to go that way," explained Okie Agustina in the Tanah Cereal area, Bogor, Wednesday, June 12.

"We don't want to know. So we should return the documents, return them as usual," he added.

Okie said that he felt the reason Gunawan was desperate to pawn the car was because he did not have the money to fulfill his obligation to support Miro.

As decided by the Bogor Religious Court, Gunawan was required to give Rp5 million in monthly money to Miro until he became an adult or married.

"Oh no, he was pawned in March, which I have a problem with because he did not carry out his obligations, why did he pawn the car BPKB because he could not pay, even though it was your duty to the child," he said.

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