JAKARTA - Director Rudi Soedjarwo began to realize many things when the director profession he was running entered the age of 25 years of work. Where he admitted that he realized that he had made many mistakes in his past as a director who was also an ordinary person to film crews who he thought had left many wounds.

"Actually, 25 years of work, I didn't try to show off because of an achievement or not at all, actually even more than 20 (years) that's just not good if 27, 28, 29, I think it's not good to be the title of an event like that," said Rudi Soedjarwo in an exclusive interview with VOI, Thursday, May 30.

"But for the past 25 years I have just realized that it turns out that there are so many mistakes I made as a human when in the process of decades as a brother, as a human, maybe as a father, and maybe how I got to the crew to the cast, yes, there may be unintentional emotional words that make them likely to have injuries," he added.

Therefore, Rudi said that he wanted to make use of this 25 years of work with his moment of apology and gratitude to the people he was grateful for for helping him in carrying out his profession.

Not only apologizing but he also wants to thank these people who already have an important role in their careers. Not without reason, Rudi realized that his age was getting closer so he couldn't waste any more time.

"Well, I want this moment to be a moment where we are, I will apologize to them and will addres that I am also grateful and grateful to those who have become a part of this, not showing off about me but if not now, because in my opinion, if I don't celebrate, eh, I finally got just a film we launched but I want to celebrate because I want to be a better person to my children, the only way is to apologize with what my shortcomings were for the past 20 years," said Rudi.

"And thank you and thank you when these people are the most important part, even if we fight, it breaks or what, it's a fixed part and that's what I actually want because I'm 53 years old and if I don't think now, if we meet without us, we will definitely not come out of those words, at least it's just 'Eh, bro?', but it won't really feel that this continues from my heart,' he explained.

It is undeniable that Rudi has worked in the film industry for more than 25 years as a director has a heyday which has become one of the regrets in his life. This happened when the film Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, played by Dian Sastrowardoyo and Nicholas Saputra, achieved success.

Although the film has led him to the Best Director Winner at the 2005 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI), Rudi admits that he even feels that he cannot freely proceed and still wants to get obstacles in his work.

"There are a lot of problems for me, if it's like the success of come to early, the first film is big Bintang Jatuh, right, my film is over, What's with Love is a success, it's too early for me actually, for some people to 'Lucki you', yes, but after that, you still want the process," he added.

"Well, when it's too early, while I still want to process it's a lot of people who make this film, but we've experienced this success, suddenly in films, some don't watch it, it's better to drop right away from the start, but it's getting higher, in my opinion. That's right, then the first one directly two and a half million viewers of the second film, for example, there are hours that don't show, no one is watching it, you'll be crazy, "explained Rudi Soedjarwo.

Film As A Spiritual Travel

Rudi Soedjarwo said that if he no longer has a target in working at the age of 53 years. Because he feels that when he is targeting to create a work then he cannot get the pleasure of producing a film continuously, he prefers to just flow into his work, especially in the film industry.

Not only that, but susceptibility is also needed for him to continue to work even though he knows the risks he gets will be much greater. But he advised when he got the failure to keep standing again and continue working.

"Well, when you target something, it's not with pleasure, so I think it flows and it should be spontaneous. Spontaneously it means this when something comes on, come on, spontaneously, you don't have to think too much because if we think about it. There is a risk, obviously, but life is a risk, how come it fails, how do we fail to get up. Get up again, brush again, learn from there, move on. I made it wrong three times before I can move on. Like to forget again, 'oh yes, yesterday again, why is it like this now? Oh yes, it's too late. And indeed, my type is like that," added Rudi.

"That's why I'm now making this one, the one who is in trouble in my heart when I have had a stroke for 2 years, in 2019, we just got 'crazy', I got a stroke and I was given a recovery and I was able to make another film again when the first film Winged Broken Wing, given a pretty good film, meaning that God wants to put me in this role as a filmmaker, that's what we have to take advantage of, "the story.

Not without reason, this was done by Rudi Soedjarwo because he considered that now the film is a spiritual journey that makes him a human being working as a director is just a role and not just a profession.

"No, actually, if I'm a film now, it's a spiritual journey. Maybe those who are old already know, because in my opinion, because with me making a film with a spiritual awareness that as a human being this is a role, if the director is not a profession but a role, it's really making a living, it's our nature as humans who want to find food, right, what is our role as humans?," he added.

"Well, in my opinion, it's clear, I made a film involving new talents from 300 million Indonesians, then I had to convey the concerns that were on social media. I think that's my role, that's why I became a director. Maybe that's my position here. Genre is a lot of things. We package this film with a horror genre too. For example, it's like being bullied a lot, right. It's just packaging, genre, clothes, but we can keep social unrest," he said.

Finally, Rudi Soedjarwo shared a dream that until now he has not been able to realize, namely producing a role film as a sign of respect for his father who is a student soldier. But he realized that it was not an easy and cheap matter to make the war film.

"It's always there, so in my opinion, we have to dream that when we're done, if we're not nervous, we don't dream, it means we've stopped our dreams, we're just doing routines. That's actually the most scary for me actually. If it's been 100 years, 90 years, it's okay, but if you're still I'm still feeling old because the children around me, the players I think are 'how old are you?', '50', old is also cute. Finally, we really target that the dream always exists,' he continued.

"Well, my dream, the one I want the most is to make a war film. But it's expensive and difficult but I really want it because my father used to be a student soldier. At the age of 14, 16 I already had to go to war. Interestingly, the archive, what they sacrificed. So it's fun wearing shorts, not wearing uniforms, in the past, it was guerrilla. It must be cool, if destined to make my hopes go there, "said Rudi Soedjarwo closing the interview with VOI.

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