JAKARTA - The couple Catherine Wilson and Idham Masse were finally decided to have officially divorced by the Depok Religious Court. Even so, there are still unresolved problems, namely related to car ownership.

Previously, Catherine Wilson had reprimanded the leasing who tried to take the car she claimed was a gift from Idham to her mother.

But on the other hand, Idham said that he deliberately did not pay for the car because it did not belong to Catherine Wilson or her mother.

"Yes, we don't pay because it's our car. Yes, this means Keket ( CALL Catherine Wilson) and her mother has no right at all for the car," said Ilham Rasyid, Idham Masse's attorney via telephone, Wednesday, June 5.

"So the STNK, BPKB, represents the owner. The owner is Haji Idham. He bought the person," said Ilhan Rasyid.

Ilham said that the leasing party had tried to take the car but Catherine Wilson seemed to have deliberately put the car inside her house and argued that it was out of town.

"(Idham Masse) took a public vehicle (while in Jakarta), because the car was there (in Catherine Wilson), not returned by Catherine," added Ilham.

"Then the car was placed in the house at the bottom of the wrapped, then if the reason was always out of town," explained Ilham Rasyid.

Seeing this, Ilham said that Idham Masse asked Catherine Wilson to immediately return the car to him.

"Get it back, it's not yours," he said.

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