YOGYAKARTA - Text procedure is a form of text taught in language subject matter. This text writes about steps or stages regarding a matter or activities in a structured manner. The text of procedures is very often encountered in everyday life.

The text of the procedure can be interpreted as a text that explains the stages or instructions for carrying out activities. This text can also be in the form of a guideline in solving a problem. Examples of procedure text that are easy to find, namely recipes for cooking, how to activate gadgets, how to register for a race or event, and others.

Apart from being the party who reads it, we also sometimes have to make text procedures for certain needs, whether work, business, or other things. So what is the structure of the text procedure that you need to know?

The text of the procedure is that the text of its contents explains ways to create or do something. The content of this text consists of stages or sequences of steps, and has an imperative structure of orders.

The writing of the procedure aims to provide instructions to readers to know how to do a job. With this text, readers can practice, use materials, and apply a detailed method of an activity. For example, how to book plane tickets, how to register for college entrance exams, how to cook spice chicken, and others.

The text of the procedure must be made by paying attention to the structure so that it is easy to understand and the meaning is conveyed. The following is the structure of the text procedure that is made in a sequentially and in detail in providing information:

First, the Aim structure. Aim is what you want to achieve through text procedures. Usually, this goal is found in the title or first paragraph of the text of the procedure which is briefly described.

The second structure of the text of the procedure is Material. In this section, tools, materials, or preparations needed to make something are described. Generally, this section includes a certain dose, number, shape, or color so that readers can achieve optimal results.

Third, the structure of the Steps. This includes stages or processes to make things up. Write down the steps with clear, logical, systematic, and direct sentences so that readers are not confused.

The steps are the main components in the text of the procedure. Therefore, writing these measures must be accurate and regular. Make sure the order of steps is not wrong so that errors do not occur.

The final structure of the text of the procedure is Reaffirmation. In this section, you can write down the nodes or benefits obtained if the reader manages to follow the instructions in the text of the procedure.

There are three types of procedure text, namely simple, complex, and protocol. Each type of text procedure has different shapes and goals as follows:

The text of a simple procedure includes not too many stages or materials, usually only takes 2-4 steps to do so. Due to its simplicity, this sequence of measures cannot be changed.

Examples of simple procedure text:

'How to turn on the car speaker', 'How to set the air conditioner temperature', and others.

The text of complex procedures usually requires more tools, materials, and time compared to the text of a simple procedure. In the text of complex procedures, there are often sub-stages that must be done before proceeding to the next step.

Examples of complex procedure text:

How to make chicken dimsum

The protocol procedure text includes the stages that can be done flexibly. The purpose of this text can still be achieved even if the reader does not follow successive steps.

Examples of protocol procedural text:

In making dimsons, you are free to determine the portion of how much dough is according to taste.

That's the structure of the text of the procedure and its types. The text of the procedure is made to provide guidance or direction to readers about how to do an activity. Also read examples of graded pluralistic sentences.

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