YOGYAKARTA The effect of drinking coffee without sugar every day is not always good for health. Although it can make the body fresh and energetic, drinking too much black coffee can trigger insomnia, anxiety, digestive disorders, and an increase in heart rate rhythm.

The following article will discuss the benefits of drinking sugarless coffee every day along with its side effects.

You should know, in black coffee there are caffeine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium in a fairly large amount. In addition, iron, vitamin E, vitamin K, and niacin are also in black coffee, although the amount is small.

Here are the benefits of consuming black coffee every day that you can feel:

1. Helping to lose weight

Consumption of bitter black coffee or without sugar every day can help lose weight. This is because the caffeine content in it can help control weight and increase metabolism in the body.

2. Increase stamina

The caffeine content contained in black coffee can stimulate the central nervous system, thereby increasing stamina and maintaining energy in the body.

According to a study, caffeine in coffee can increase muscle resistance and prevent the body from becoming tired quickly during exercise or physical exercise.

3. Prevent depression

The effect of consuming black coffee every day without sugar can also cause depression. This benefit is obtained thanks to the caffeine content that stimulates the central nervous system.

Not only that, caffeine also plays a role in increasing dopamine chemical compounds in the brain related to mood.

4. Reduce the risk of decreased brain performance

The ability of the human brain will decrease with age. This can trigger a decrease in pixel power and memory, such as Alzheimer's and dementia.

This risk can be lowered by consuming black coffee without sugar. The content of cafes and antioxidants in coffee can reduce inflammation in body cells, including brain cells. That way, the risk of a decrease in brain work can be suppressed.

Although consuming black coffee without sugar can provide many benefits, the side effects are also indisputable.

These side effects can appear if you consume them in excess or as long as you have certain medical conditions.

The following are side effects that may arise as a result of drinking excess amounts of black coffee every day.

1. Increase anxiety and stress

Drink excessive amounts of black coffee can release the stress hormone in high levels in the body. When this happens, you will experience anxiety and stress. So that when you drink too much black coffee, you will feel restless.

2. Disturbing the sleep routine

Drinking too much black coffee every day can also interfere with sleep routines. Therefore, avoid drinking black coffee before bed, so that you can sleep more heavily.

3. Increase the risk of cramps and stomach seizures

The above has been mentioned that black coffee contains caffeine and is acidic. If consumed excessively, it can increase acidity in the stomach. As a result, you will experience cramps and stomach seizures.

4. Increase heart rate rhythm

The effect of drinking coffee without sugar every day is to increase the rhythm of the heart rate. Caffeins found in black coffee can increase the rhythm of the heart beat if the levels are excessive in the body.

In addition, this condition will also cause abnormal heart rhythm which will have a negative impact on health.

This is information about the effects of drinking black coffee without sugar every day. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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