YOGYAKARTA What kind of drug do you have? Antasida is a drug that can help overcome complaints due to the production of excess stomach acid, such as bloating, nausea, rebuttal, and ulu liver pain.

This drug is called Antasida DON because it is included in the National Essential Drug List (DOEN). DOEN itself is the list of selected drugs that are most needed and must be available in health service facilities according to its functions and levels.

The following article will be what the DON'S ANTasida will be, including its benefits, doses, and side effects. Come on, look at the full information!

DOEN's Antasida is a stomach acid neutralizer that contains aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide.

Quoted from AI-Care, hydroxide aluminum is an active drug ingredient that can reduce acidity in the hull area.

When entering the digestive channel system, the aluminum hydroxide will be broken down into a hydroxide cluster in the stomach. Furthermore, the hydroxyl (OH) cluster will be tied to a free proton and produce water and salt that is not dissolved in the stomach.

The binding of the proton functions so that the acidity degree aka the overall pH of the stomach increases and makes the atmosphere of the stomach less acidic.

While magnesium hydroxide works by stimulating the movement of the intestines in the digestive tract through the remaining fluids in the intestinal tract. This will make the movement of the intestines increase.

In addition, magnesium hydroxides can also neutralize stomach acid through a reaction process with hydrochloride acid in the stomach so that magnesium chloride is formed.

The combination of two active ingredients of this drug is a cure for lowering stomach acid, which is called an antasisda.

Antasida DON can only relieve symptoms and cannot treat the cause of the increase in stomach acid.

DOEN's antation is used to reduce symptoms caused by increased acid production in the stomach, such as:

The following is an Antasida DOEN dose which is recommended to treat magh pain or other symptoms due to an increase in gastric acid production:

Antasida tablet should be drunk in an empty stomach condition, about 30 minutes before eating or 1-2 hours after eating and before going to bed.

The DOEN Antasida is one of the drugs that rarely cause side effects, especially if consumed according to the doctor's recommendation and instructions for use. Even so, in some people, consumption of the antation can have side effects, such as:

Check with the doctor if the side effects of Antasida DON't subside or get worse.

That's the information about what drug ANtasida is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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