YOGYAKARTA What it is gene therapy can be understood as a new knowledge in the medical field to correct or correct DNA. This therapy is still not widely known, especially in Indonesia. To get to know more about the following article.

Reporting from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, genetic therapy is a medical approach that is used as a solution for genetic abnormalities by giving new DNA or correcting DNA. New genes transferred into normal versions of damaged genes or other genes that improve the performance of cells.

On the US Food & Drug Administration website, it is explained that gene therapy products are currently being studied in the treatment of certain diseases such as cancer, genetic-induced disease, and infectious disease.

The existence of this gene therapy allows health care providers to provide medical treatment for certain conditions, instead of using traditional treatment methods, gene therapy is carried out by changing the patient's genetic makeup. In this way, health care providers can overcome disease triggers and are even able to instruct the body to produce certain drugs and proteins.

For now, gene therapy is still in the clinical trial stage, including the possibility of using the therapeutic method to treat cancer, macular degradation, improve genetic conditions, and even HIV/AIDS.

As explained earlier, gene therapy is currently still in the clinical trial stage. There is currently a lot of speculation about the advantages and deficiencies in gene therapy. The following is an excess of gene therapy.

Gen. therapy is widely referred to as a new hope in the medical world, especially to treat diseases and disorders that most likely trigger defects to premature death.

Someone who receives gene therapy earlier means preventing early damage. However, research is currently being carried out to see to what extent gene therapy is capable of dealing with damage.

Gen therapy has the potential to create treatment for the main cause of disease specifically through genes in a person's body.

In addition to excesses, gene therapy also still has a number of shortcomings that may be felt. The following is a shortage or risk of gene therapy.

Although many studies have been carried out, gene suppression has not been able to guarantee a total recovery. There is still an unexpected possibility of failure or side effects.

Gen therapy is carried out by going through a series of complicated processes. In addition, when a foreign object is inserted into the body, the immune system will respond to the object in a different way. As a result, there is a risk that a person cannot undergo certain treatments or clinical trials in the future.

Gen therapy has the potential to produce good and bad long-term effects. Even these effects can last a lifetime.

Gen therapy research is not only conducted in the United States, but in other countries such as China. Most recently, scientists in Beijing discovered gene therapy that delays aging from mice

In addition to what gene therapy is, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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