JAKARTA - The body needs sugar as an energy source. That is why it is highly recommended to eat sweet foods in the morning so that we can be enthusiastic about our activities. But, if consumed in excess it can have a bad risk for health, namely triggering diabetes mellitus.

Launching the American Heart Association, Tuesday, March 9, good sugar levels consumed for men are 36 grams (9 teaspoons) and for women 24 grams (6 teaspoons). High sugar levels are not only felt by diabetics. even healthy people can feel it.

However, most people are often unaware that their blood sugar levels are rising. But actually, it can be observed from the signs or symptoms of excess sugar in the body as follows:

Often mood swings

If you are suddenly angry or in a bad mood, you have to be vigilant because this could be a sign of high blood sugar levels in the body. This condition is often called a sugar crash, a condition in which blood sugar rises and then falls rapidly, which triggers sudden mood swings.

Body shrinks, appetite increases

Not ideal body weight is one sign of the body's excess sugar. If this condition is not resolved immediately, it can slowly disrupt the body's metabolic system. Even worse, it can cause diabetes mellitus. If you have this disease, your weight will automatically drop dramatically, even though you have eaten a lot.

Dehydration and dry mouth

If you continue to feel thirsty even though you have drunk a lot plus your mouth feels dry, this could be a sign that your blood sugar is increasing. Frequent thirst (dehydration) and dry mouth (xerostomia) are caused by high blood sugar in the body. High blood sugar causes abnormal production of the salivary glands.

These signs arise because there is a disruption in kidney function. As a result, the fluids that enter the body cannot be absorbed by the kidneys and make the body lack fluids due to frequent urination.

Myopic eyes

One of the characteristics of the body with excess sugar can be seen from the decreased ability to see (myopic). This is because the nerve network in the sense of sight is impaired due to the body's inability to process sugar, which should be used as fuel for the body.

It's hard to focus

Excessive sugar levels in the body easily trigger insulin damage which cannot be converted into energy for the body. As a result, energy that should be beneficial to the whole body blocks blood flow which is prone to affect the brain. As a result, a person will easily feel tired, sleepy, and have difficulty concentrating.

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